(WinRina) Miss Jock and Miss Nerd

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(Longer than usual, hopefully you don't mind XD and I wrote this just right now and it's 3:30am... So there's probably a whole ton of random shit in this but I still tried to make it somewhat decent XD anyways, enjoy reading)

Ryujin whistled as the rest of the team bursted into a fit of laughter, they watched from their lockers as Winter dumps a girl who she had led into a relationship just because she made a bet with Ryujin

The girl pushes Winter and runs away earning loud cheers from the team as Winter walks in with a smug smile

"I told you I could go through 5 girls and break up with them all in one go" Winter says and Ryujin takes out her wallet and hands over the bills of money which immediately makes Winter's smile grow wider

"You should've known better Ryu" Giselle teased and Ryujin just rolls her eyes

"When has Winter ever lost a bet?" Yujin asked and Winter shrugs before packing her stuff

"Hold on... One last bet... For 50 thousand" Ryujin says and Winter immediately halts and looks at her with a grin

"Go on, I'm listening" Winter says and wiggles her eyebrows as Giselle and Yujin shake their heads

"Get the nerd and make her your girlfriend, I'll acknowledge your shit if you can do that" Ryujin says and Winter crosses her arms

"Which nerd Shin Ryujin? There's plenty of nerds in this school, if you want me to make them all my girlfriends then forget it" Winter replies and Ryujin shakes her head

"I meant our class nerd, Yu Karina... The girl that always sits at the back and wears a mask like she has a disease, that nerd" Ryujin clears out and Winter thinks for a bit, trying to recall who this Karina girl is

"Consider me 50 thousand richer" Winter smugly replies and the whole team cheers as she grabs her bags and leaves the lockers

"Who the hell is that Karina nerd?"

"That's her?" Winter asked and Giselle nods as they looked at Karina sat at the back of their classroom, her signature glasses and mask covering her face and a book on her hands

"Damn... You just had to make it hard don't you?" Winter asked and Ryujin smiles at her

"Ofcourse, I want to win that's why" Ryujin replies and Winter rolls her eyes before walking towards the girl, stopping to look at her seatmate

"Sit on my chair for today, I want to sit here" Winter said and the guy immediately grabs his stuff and moves to a different chair. Winyer sits down and puts her bag on the floor before looking at Karina who seemed to not care

"Hey, what are you reading?" Winter asked and she waited... But Karina didn't say anything back, Winter looks at Ryujin who was now laughing with Giselle as they look at Winter

"You're Karina right?" Winter asked and again, Karina doesn't respond. Winter was running out of patience and she almost stood up and yelled but their professor came in and she had to endure the whole class in silence as Karina didn't pay any attention to her

As soon as the bells rang Winter stood up and looked at Karina, she was fixing her stuff and Winter had to take her notebook for her to finally look at Winter

"Why aren't you paying attention to me? I've been asking you questions this entire time" Winter said and Karina only stared at her, she holds the notebook that Winter had grabbed which made Winter stop... As she felt the girl's hands... Her touch was soft...

"Are you the teacher? If you were then I would've paid attention" Karina replies and yanks the notebook out of Winter's hand and puts it in her bag before going out of the classroom

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