(WinRina) The Commander and Her Fox (Slight M)

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"Is something the matter?"Karina asked as she lifted her gaze to the woman standing Infront of her, she was currently in her office looking through papers that needed to be signed as she was the Commander of the Village, despite being an immortal being she was still loved by her people

"I'm just visiting you, is it bad?"Winter asks and smiled cheekily, sitting down Infront of Karina

"Don't you have business to attend to? Perhaps visiting the Shrine or talking with the other Tribe leaders?"Karina asked and raised a brow to the younger girl

Winter was appointed as a Tribe leader of their village, like Karina she was also an immortal being but ofcourse their people disregarded that fact as both the immortal beings had saved them from calamities and wars. Karina was a God while Winter was her Companion, a Fox that guided her

"No, we did that yesterday... I got bored so I came here to play"Winter said and Karina shook her head, looking back at the papers she was going through

"I have no time for playing... Maybe ask one of the guards"Karina replied and Winter pouts despite the girl not looking at her

"Come on! You never visit me and we've never met each other for the last few months... You didn't miss me?"Winter asked and Karina sighed

Yes, she felt guilty as she always had no time to visit Winter. When she did have time she didn't try to visit the girl, worried that she might be out or that she might have visitors such as other Tribe leaders

"I'm sorry for that... But right now I really can't be playing around, I've got work"Karina replied and Winter grunts

"Then can I just stay here for a while? I won't bother you or ask you to play with me... Just let me stay"Winter asked and Karina looked at her, Winter's eyes showed sincerity and sorrow. Karina felt bad already so she had no other choice but to nod to the conditions of the latter girl

"Then... Can I sit on your lap?"Winter asks and Karina immediately furrows her eyebrows

"I thought you wouldn't be bothering me?"Karina asked

"Well yeah... I want to sleep, since you won't play with me... I feel comfortable in your lap, I'll sleep in my form so I don't bother you"Winter replied and Karina gulped as her reply was a quick response to the embarassment she felt upon hearing the girl's words, she definitely thought of something else

"T-then... F-fine"Karina stutters which made Winter confused but she transforms into her fox form before going on Karina's lap and laying comfortably

"Sleep well my little fox"Karina whispered, making sure that Winter doesn't hear it before going back to her work


A few hours had passed and Karina was finally done with her work, she stretches her arms out before looking at her lap, seeing Winter still sleeping soundly

"Winter?... Winter it's already afternoon"Karina said, poking the fox

"Hmm?..."Winter purred which immediately smittened Karina's heart, it's been so long since she last saw Winter in her fox form, she had always adored the younger girl special in this form as she was obviously too cute

"You need to wake up Winter"Karina said and Winter rubs her eyes with her little paws before looking up at Karina who was forcing herself not to smile at the cute action

"Are you done working?"Winter asks and Karina nodded in response, the girl yawned and Karina closed her eyes as she felt that she will definitely smile if she saw more of Winter's cuteness

Karina froze up though as she felt the weight on her lap suddenly grow, she slowly opened her eyes to see Winter back in her human form, staring at her

"Uhh... You should've gotten off me first before transforming..."Karina said but Winter only smiled

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