(WinRina) The Office PT.2 {M}

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(A/N:You can already tell where it's going from the title of the chapter so I won't explain any further XD)

"Uhmm... I... I-I..."Winter couldn't think of any excuse, it was clearly her voice in the recording so what was the point of even denying it now?

"You're stuttering... I thought I told everyone I don't like anyone who stutters on their words?"Karina said, her legs crossing as Winter slowly kneeled. It made Karina quite flustered but she remained her composure and stared at Winter who only bowed her head further

"I'm... I-i'm terrible sorry Miss Karina... It... It wasn't my intention to harbor these horrible i-interests in you... I had merely t-thought that---"

"What on earth are you saying right now Kim Minjeong?"Karina asked and Winter lifted her head up... Oh boy did she felt the need to bow her head again after doing that as Karina was now standing in front of her, an eyebrow raised with her arms across her chest

Winter felt her heart race as Karina stared at her, waiting for a response. Winter's mouth gapes but no words come out so Karina took it upon herself and kneeled on one knee, lifting Winter's chin up to make eye contact with her

"Your mouth is open but you're not speaking... Are you perhaps speechless at your own situation?"Karina asked, a smirk slowly plastering across her face as Winter could only stare at her, gulping because of the gap between their faces

"Still no answer? Then tell me Miss Kim... Do you or do you not like me?"Karina asked and Winter's mind suddenly cleared, the messy thoughts suddenly vanished and there was only two things on her mind

"I... I do like you Miss Karina"Winter replied, the first thing that was on her mind... The second was...

"So you want me?"Karina asked daringly before standing up, although Winter was disappointed with the sudden loss of touch and closeness, her senses went on full alert as she heard a click and her head turns to Karina who had hand on the doorknob

"I need your answer Miss Kim... This won't go anywhere if you keep quiet like that"Karina said and leaned on the door, pulling the rope beside her that immediately closed the blinds next to the door... She had been keeping a keen eye on that small window ever since she entered and she couldn't close it as soon as they stepped inside but now it's all falling into her palms

"I... I do..."Winter mumbles and Karina heard it clearly but she walks closer to Winter and pulls her to stand up

"Excuse me? I couldn't quite hear you"Karina asked again and she heard Winter's beating heart along with her own's

"I was asking if you wanted me... Or is that not the right question?"Karina asked and Winter looked at her

"Can I... Kiss you?"It was the second thing that had been lingering on Winter's mind, Karina smiles for a second before pulling Winter closer. Their lips touch for the first time and they both felt the heat of each others mouths, the taste of one another was like wine... It was perfectly addicting

"Ngh..."Winter groans as Karina bites her lower lip and slowly caresses her back

"Is this alright?"Karina asked, pulling away. Winter chases her lips and Karina chuckles, that little gesture was already enough of an answer

"You don't need to be so eager..."Karina whispers and walks away from Winter, Winter could only watch as Karina pushes the table towards the corner and removes anything on top of it

"Come here Winter"Karina called and Winter obediently walked towards her, before she could ask what Karina was doing she was already lifted onto the table, her back against the wall and Karina pressing onto her body

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