(WinRina) Ignored

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"Win?" Karina called but to her luck, the younger girl was nowhere to be seen. She had asked her members where Winter might be but to no avail, she sent texts to the girl and even tried calling her but there was no reply

Karina sighs, she was thinking she was gonna go grocery shopping with Winter but now she has to go alone because the girl was nowhere to be found

Upon arriving at the grocery store, she grabs the food that her members have asked her to buy

"Oh? Jiminie!"

Karina's head turns and she waves as Ryujin comes closer to her, smiling from ear to ear to have seen Karina

"What are you doing out by yourself? Where's your members?" Ryujin asked and Karina smiles

"Aeri and Ningie are busy at the dorm... Winter... I don't know where she is but Aeri told me she went outside earlier" Karina replied

"Huh? Isn't Winter with Yeddeong? I could've sworn Ddeong invited Winter out for lunch" Ryujin said and Karina blinks at her

"With... Who?" Karina asked and Ryujin notices the change in her tone which made her cautious

"Uhm... Yeji?" Ryujin replied and Karina nods her head and goes silent

"Are you okay jiminie?... Uhm..." Ryujin asks and holds Karina's shoulder

"Hm? I'm fine, I was just thinking of what to buy next" Karina replies and Ryujin scratches her nape since she knew something was off about Karina

"Then... Let me go with you, I'll help you shop since no one's with you" Ryujin suggests and Karina looks at her with a surprised look

"What? Don't you have things to buy too?" Karina asked and Ryujin chuckles

"Yeah but I'm only buying a few snacks, now come on" Ryujin says and pulls Karina to another aisle, Karina somewhat felt relieved as she had Ryujin with her while she shopped... She was a bit bothered that Winter had gone out with Yeji without telling her though... It's not that it was a bad thing to be hanging out with Yeji, she's pretty close to Yeji herself but... She feels jealous that Winter would go out of her way just to meet Yeji and not even tell her

"Oh! Jiminie let's buy tangerines" Ryujin says and Karina looks at her

"Tangerines? For what?" Karina asked and Ryujin just smiles

"For eating duh? And I've been eating tangerines lately... I'll buy you a pack as well" Ryujin says as she grabs 2 packs of tangerines and puts it in her cart

"Why are you putting it in your cart?" Karina asked

"Because I'm paying for it? I told you, I'll buy you a pack as well" Ryujin replies and Karina just chuckles, she knows she won't be able to tell Ryujin no

"Oh? Ddaengie!"

Ryujin and Karina turn to the voice and two small figures immediately come running towards them

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were eating lunch?" Ryujin asked and Yeji clung to her arm

"We did eat already but Minjeong suggested that we go to the grocery so here we are, what about you guys?" Yeji asked and turned to Karina who was busy picking out fruits

"Oh... Jiminie was out grocery shopping by herself... I was just gonna buy some snacks but I figured I should join her since she wasn't with anyone" Ryujin whispered and watched as Winter approached Karina, she looked like a lost puppy trying to seek it's owner's attention

"Ohhh... That's why Minjeong was hurriedly trying to get me to the grocery store... I kinda feel bad for her, look at her following Jiminie around" Yeji said as they both watched Winter tail Karina around

Karina wasn't paying any attention to Winter and Winter knew she messed up, she turned her phone off because she didn't want to be disturbed while she was having lunch with Yeji because it would be rude. As soon as they finished eating Winter turned her phone back on to see hundreds of texts and calls from Karina (also some calls from Aeri, NingNing and their manager but only a few)

She had forgotten to tell Karina that she was out with Yeji so she hurriedly replies back but there was no response, she asked Aeri where Karina might be and why she wasn't replying and thankfully Aeri told her that Karina left her phone at the dorm and went out to grocery shop... It hit Winter like a brick when she realized she had told Karina that they were gonna go grocery shopping together so she hurriedly told Yeji to come with her to the grocery store and here they are

"Unnie... Jimin unnie..." Winter continuously called but Karina wasn't budging, she followed her to the candy aisle and Winter immediately grabs a pack gummies and puts it in the cart, she looks at Karina who didn't seem to be fazed by anything she was doing and so Winter frowns

"Unnie I'm sorry... I should've told you that I was going out with Yeji... I should've come with you to shop..." Winter apologizes and holds the hem of Karina's shirt

"She looks like a kid" Ryujin says and Winter hears it, she immediately turns to the 2 who were also following them around, snickering at her

"Hey! Stop making fun of me!" Winter exclaimed and Ryujin laughs as she pulls Yeji who was also laughing

"Jiminie! Forgive the child, I asked her for lunch because I was thinking that we weren't all that close yet so I wanted to spend some time with her" Yeji explains and Winter looks back at Karina who was looking back at her

"We'll go first! See you guys another time" Ryujin says and she walks away with Yeji while Winter was stuck staring at Karina, pouting like a child

"Unnie..." Winter calls out

"Grab some pringles... I think this is enough food" Karina replied and Winter's pout immediately turned into a smile before nodding her head, she quickly dashes to grab what she was told and hurriedly runs back to Karina

"Next time please tell me when you're going out... Especially with other people..." Karina says and Winter clings to her arm

"Were you jealous? Don't be, you know I only love you unnie" Winter replies and Karina s ears reddened as she walked arm in arm with Winter to the counter

"And besides Yeji and Ryujin are inseparable, like us. I was just trying to get closer to Yeji because you're close with her too... Also please don't ignore me like that earlier... I felt like crying when you weren't paying attention to me" Winter whined as she clings more onto Karina's arm

"I had to... Since you also ignored my texts and calls, it was only payback baby" Karina replied as she puts everything up on the counter

"I didn't mean— Huh? Did you just call me baby?" Winter looks at her and Karina's eyes widened as she realized what she had said, she tries to make it seem like it wasn't the case but Winter was quick to stop her

"You can call me baby anytime unnie... I am your girlfriend after all" Winter says and Karina's face reddened from embarrassment, she quickly looks away and scans the stuff they bought

"Right... You're my girlfriend... My baby" Karina mumbles but Winter was close enough to hear it, her smile grows wider as she leaves a kiss on Karina's cheek

"Unnie you're so cute... Oh! I'll help you scan these so we can hurry home and cuddle"

(A/N: This was from the request for a WinRina ft. Yeji in my NGL Link, I thought I'd include Ryujin too because why not XD I'm starting to write the requests on my Links so if you have a request you can send them there ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^)

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