(WinRina) Lips {M}

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The crowd cheered as the girls came up on stage, it was the legendary trio, the rockstars, the guitarists

"Alright everyone settle down, I know you're excited but we haven't started yet"Yunjin said as she grabbed a microphone near the stage, the crowd goes wild and Jay shakes his head as he nudges Winter who was busy plugging her guitar in

"Alright alright let's take this heat and roll with it then... Our first song will be led by the one and only... Winter Kim!"Yunjin announced and Winter smiles and lifts her hand, waving at everyone

"Now can you give us a hint as to what we're gonna play Miss Popular?"Yunjin asked and Winter chuckled before leaning into the mic

"This song is for the girls"Winter says and ofcourse the crowd makes noise, specially the ladies

"Well then, let's get this party started!"


"So... What happened?"Yunjin asked as she tried not to laugh at her friend who was slumped in her chair, looking like she just lost her soul

"I shouldn't have drank that tequila that the girl gave me on stage..."Winter mumbles and Jay covers his mouth to prevent a laugh from getting out as he looks away, his shoulders shaking as he tried his best not to laugh at their friend

"Why did you drink it?"Yunjin asked and Winter looked at her

"It was free!"Winter argued and Jay couldn't hold his laughter anymore and bursted into tears, almost rolling on the ground

"Dipshit what's so funny?"Winter asked, irritated

"You seriously took a drink from a random girl in the crowd just because it was free?"Jay asked and Winter crossed her arms

"Oh she didn't just take the drink, she made the girl drink it before taking it from her mouth"Yunjin smirked as Winter sighed, contemplating her life choices

"Goodluck woman... May god have mercy on you... If god can't save you... Well... We'll see you in the afterlife"Jay said and Winter rolled her eyes as she punches his hand away

"Fuck off J-"

"Winter Kim... Get your ass in the parking lot... Now"Karina bursts through the door of their waiting room

Yunjin immediately avoids eye contact with the girl as Jay pretended to clean his guitar, trying not to look at the fuming girl in their doorway

"Rina..."Winter called as she stood up shakily

"I said parking lot Winter, pack your things... Or I drag you out of here, choose"Karina threatens and Winter immediately runs for her guitar, putting it away in her bag before grabbing the rest of her stuff. Karina walked away and before Winter could leave she smacked both her friends in the head

"Fuck you I thought we were friends?"Winter asked and Yunjin raised her arms in defeat

"We're friends yeah... But that doesn't mean we can save you from your hot headed girlfriend and besides... This one's on you, you stupid bitch"Jay says and Winter kicked his leg before running to the parking lot, she immediately spots Karina getting on her motorcycle and she makes a run for it

"R-rina!"Winter pants as Karina looks at her, she lifts the glass of her helmet as she stares at Winter

"Home, 30 minutes... Take it or leave it"Karina says and Winter immediately runs to her car, fumbling to get her keys as Karina drives away

"Shit shit shit... Come on you damn car... You're my only hope!"Winter prays as she gets her car unlocked, she quickly dumps her stuff inside and gets in. She immediately starts the car and gets onto the highway

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