(WinRina) Field Trip PT. 3 {M}

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As soon as the bus had arrived at the school everyone bid their goodbyes to each other, eager to head back to their homes. Giselle quickly gets into Karina's car to head to their house as she was gonna help for the girl's said date

"Why do you even need my help? You go on a date all the time" Giselle asked and Karina drives, she looks at her mirror before smiling

"It's just... I'm excited about this date..." Karina confessed and Giselle eyes her before squealing, Karina quickly covers her ear with one hand and focuses on the road

"Giselle! Stop with your fucking dolphin scream!" Karina complains and Giselle immediately closed her mouth

"Oh sorry... I was just shocked" Giselle replied and Karina rolled her eyes before putting her hand back onto the steering wheel

"You've never been really excited for a date before, you'd usually be chill and go to the place without much preparation... Do you like her that much?... Do you... Love her?" Giselle asked and Karina's eyes widened, she steps on the brakes which caused both of them to get pulled forward and stopped by their seatbelts

"What!? Love?... I... There's no way! This is the only time I didn't hate her because we already talked... There's no way... Right?" Karina asked as she looked at Giselle who was thanking god that she put her seatbelt on otherwise she would've flown out of the car

"I don't know! I'm the one asking so why are you asking me back you stupid bitch?" Giselle replied and looked at Karina who was puzzled at her own thoughts

"Girl... Did you really just bully her because she was always getting first or did you had another reason that you kept your eyes on her?" Giselle asked and Karina looks at her dead in the eyes

"She was cute?... I mean I've noticed it since before that she was like... I don't know? Marshmallow? Like... She looked really soft despite not talking much" Karina replied and Giselle was shocked as she never heard Karina speak in such a way... Her bestfriend sounded so lovesick

"Okay well figure things out on your own, you're smart... Drive! The light's already green!" Giselle exclaims and Karina puts her eyes back onto the road and drives, still confused of what Giselle was trying to point out


"You don't have any other dress apart from these slutty ones?" Giselle asked as she looks through Karina's wardrobe, all she sees were either a really slutty dress or an oversized shirt

"No? I don't own any cute dresses... They don't suit me and you bought me those!" Karina nags and Giselle makes faces at her before flipping through her clothes again

"Oh! This? Why do you own a suit?" Giselle asked as she pulled out a black suit and pants

"I bought it for a photoshoot at school, you know? That project in english class where we had to dress like we work for a company" Karina replied and looked at the suit

"You don't think maybe it's a bit much?" Karina asked worriedly and Giselle raises an eyebrow at her

"It's either this or you're wearing that black lacy dress, your choice" Giselle said and Karina frowned, she was thinking that it may be a bit much to wear for a first date... She'd look too flashy but then again most of the guys that asked her out would also wear suits

"Fine... Can you help me with my hair as well?"


Winter looked around, she was sure she was in the right place but she was still nervous as there were a lot of people, she tried to spot Karina from the crowd and almost screams for her life when someone grabbed her by the arm

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