(WinRina) Jealousy {M}

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"What!?" The question comes off more hostile than it should have but Winter couldn't help herself after hearing such an absurd thing

"Yeah, are you not dating Jaemin? He's been looking at you with heart eyes for like 5 months now" NingNing replies and it only frustrated Winter more

"No! Jaemin is like a brother to me" Winter replies and the door swings open to reveal Giselle who looked like she had just ran a marathon

"Hey! Don't go busting people's doors open" NingNing warns but Giselle doesn't pay her any attention and instead waltz right infront of Winter

"Girl! Is it true? You're engaged to Jaemin!?"


The situation had escalated more without even Winter's knowing and so she rushes to the main hall of their office where everyone was congratulating Jaemin for his so-called "Engagement" with Winter

"There's the soon to be bride!" One of their co-workers yell out and suddenly all attention was on them, Winter asks Jaemin what the hell was going on only for the boy to respond with a "just go with it"... So much for being a brother in Winter's eyes

Winter knows she's gonna get into so much trouble for this... The guy's not even her boyfriend so why was everyone thinking she's engaged to him!?

"Oh! Damn! You guys are even wearing engagement rings!" One of their co-workers point out and Winter pales, she feels the blood rushing out of her body, feeling cold at the mention of her engagement ring

"Holy shit!" Giselle says as she takes notice of it as well, she shakes Winter who seemed out of it and before they could celebrate again a figure makes it's way over to them

"What's with the commotion? Why are you all gathered here? It's lunch time"

"Karina look! Minjeong and Jaemin are engaged!" Giselle announces and Winter felt goosebumps all over her skin as she turns to their manager... Who was also Giselle's best friend

"Oh... That's some big news" Karina replies, she smiles and Winter looks at Jaemin who wink at her... Now she's starting to feel disgusted by all of this, he seemed like a really nice guy but this was taking it too far

"But please take the celebration elsewhere, there's a meeting upstairs and I don't think anyone would be happy with the noise" Karina reminds them and everyone pulls the two that were caught up in this situation while Karina stayed behind, just staring as they all drag the "couple" away


"A-ah!... B-aby... Pleas-e..." Winter struggled as her face gets slammed against the mattress, on her knees with her ass up

"I've been telling you to quit the act Minjeong, look where it got us"

"I... I... I didn't—... Ack!" Winter screams as a soundful slap was met with her ass cheeks

"Please... You know... I wanted..." Winter struggles as tears form in her eyes

"Yes, I know very well that you wanted to get your position in the company fairly... But don't you think it's time to stop pretending like we aren't about to get married? I'm sick of those motherfuckers looking at you... That bastard even claimed to be your fiance, how am I supposed to be happy about that huh?"

Winter knew this, she did but she didn't want to reveal their relationship just yet because she's been aiming for a promotion. Her fiance had gotten this job for her through a recommendation letter but she didn't want to take advantage of it so she still took the necessary procedures to get hired

"I'm... Sorry... Jimin-ah..." Winter sobs and Karina pulls her, she presses the girl's back against her body

"I'm so done with all those fucks can we make an official announcement already? I'll be marrying you in a week anyways" Karina says as she leaves a trail of kisses on Winter's neck, to her shoulder

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