(WinRina) Miss Bunny

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"Oh come on! Come back here you little rascal!"A girl came running out of house

She was chasing a little bunny that had just escaped her

"You! I just bought you! I can't have you get lost already!"She yelled and followed the bunny into the forest

She looked around the trees and suddenly the bunny was gone and she was lost in the middle of the forest

"Good Grief......if I knew it'd be like this I wouldn't have bought a pet"She sighed and kept walking straight ahead

She finally saw an opening which led to a flat grassy land wherein she saw her bunny again

"There yo---"She was about to call out to bunny

But to her surprise the bunny floated In the air and suddenly a girl emerged,she fell to the ground perfectly standing up as she caught a bunny

"Thank you little fellow you helped me escape that store and your owner too"The girl spoke and smiled at the bunny before settling it down to the grass

The bunny was sniffing her and she was amused by this cutie

"I wonder why your owner was so mad"She asked the bunny as if it would answer

On the other hand the owner of this said bunny was just watching them from afar, mesmerized by the other girl's beauty and innocence

"She's.....cute.......wait.....WHAT!? YEAH I MEAN SHE'S CUTE LIKE ME!? NOT THAT I LIKE HER"She furiously said to herself

"Wait Karina......You're Straight......right.......you are........FUCK! WHO AM I KIDDING? I'M GAY TO THE BONES"She smacked her forehead and yelled loudly

The other girl heard this noise and looked at her,shocked as she was able to keep up with her escape but she calmly walked over to this girl and looked at her

"Wh-----WOAH! Too close!"Karina said and held the other girl's shoulder because she was leaning towards her

"Oops sorry I walked a bit further"The girl apologized

"Who are you? No.....What are you?......what's your name? Where did you come from?are you real?"Karina suddenly asked questions

The other girl was amused by this as she found herself smiling at this cute tall girl

"Too many questions but sure I'll answer them all first I'm a somebody,second I am human......sort of? And I am a Fairy,Third I'm Kim Minjeong or Winter, Fourth I came from the Fairy land and fifth Yes,Yes I am real"Winter replied and Karina just stood still trying to process everything the shorter girl had told her

"Wait a minute.....Fairy Land? And you're a Fairy? What? How?"Karina once again asked a lot of questions

"Yes Fairy Land,it's my kingdom I am Winterbelle of The Fairy Land but you can just call me winter,I am a Fairy Queen Fairy may I add and I don't how I became a Fairy too,I was just born like this"Winter answered calmly

"I can't.....process this Oh my god,my head hurts"Karina exclaimed and sat down trying to think of all of this

"It's hard to believe----"Winter couldn't finish her words as Karina started talking

"No no.......I believe you it's just that this is too much information to process"Karina said and sighed

Winter was just looking at the girl and suddenly noticed a mark on her neck and her earrings suddenly glowed

"What's your name?"Winter asked and sat Infront of Karina

"I'm Yoo Jin but my Friends call me Karina"Karina replied and winter suddenly leaned towards her

"Friends? And may I ask their names?"Winter asked and Karina slowly backed away

"They're names are Aeri Uchinaga or Giselle and Ning Yizhou or Ning Ning,why do you ask?"She asked winter

"Oh........Wait you're not human!"Winter said which made Karina confused

"What? Yes I am"Karina defended but Winter shook her head

"You're not! Giselle is Queen of AeriShines of the Midnight land and Ning Ning is Queen of NingMengs of the Furry Land"Winter said which only made Karina more confused

"What? So you're saying that my friends are like you? But in different lands or whatever?"She asked and Winter nodded

"I know them,I'm friends with them too........So tell me what land are you from?"Winter asked and Karina furrowed her eyebrows

"I'm human,I am from the human land that you're currently standing on Called Earth"Karina said and Winter looked at the Grass

"But this isn't earth........ You're in the Prime Land where every other land are connected"Winter said and Karina looked around her

The sky was purple,the trees were colored a dark green and other animals could be seen

"No way....."Karina thought to herself as she looked at everything surrounding her

"Karina?"A familiar voice suddenly called out to her

It was Aeri,she was walking towards them with ningning beside her

"Oh my god........Wait.....are you really Queens of these lands?"Karina asked immediately and the two looked at each other before nodding at Karina

"Sorry Unnie if we didn't tell you sooner,we got scared"ningning said and hugged Karina

"But wait didn't you say I wasn't human? Then what am I?"Karina asked Winter

"You're a Karebear,Karina you're the next Queen of your land"Aeri said and Karina looked at her

"What? Karebear?"Karina asked

No one answered her and instead she closed her eyes and opened them again to see the sky

"Oh my god,Are you okay?"A girl helped her to get up from the ground

"I'm fine......Thanks.....but what happened?"She asked

"Well you were running after a bunny that suddenly went to me and then you collapsed as I went closer to you"The girl spoke making Karina look at her

"Winter?"She asked and the other was shocked

"You know my name? Did we meet before?"Winter asked and Karina panicked and she had no other choice but to shake her head

"N-no.......that was the name of my bunny"Karina said and Winter just nodded

"What a coincidence my Name is Winter too but it's just a nickname"Winter said and smiled before handing the bunny to Karina

"I have to go now"Winter said and bid her goodbye as Karina just stared at her as she walked away

"Winter......Kim Minjeong......Winterbelle......Why does she have so many names.......I'll just call her......wait what do I call her?"Karina looked at the bunny and smiled

"I'll call her Miss Bunny"

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