(WinRina) The Deity's Chosen Ones PT.2 {M}

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"T-this!—... I h-have to... Make l-love to you?" Karina asked, flustered as she covers her lips from the sudden contact

"Yes, it's to show your love isn't that why it's called making love?" Winter replied, an innocent smile appearing on her lips as she looks up at Karina

"T-that's... T-true... But is t-this the only way?" Karina asked, pulling back a bit as Winter settled her hands down onto the cushions of the long chair they sat on

"It's the only thing they taught us at the cathedral so, yes? Why? Do you... Not love me?" Winter replied, her voice becoming sad as she asked that last question which immediately makes Karina panic

"No no! I... I... I l-love you but there should b-be another way right?" Karina replied, not knowing what to do in this situation

Even though she had been placed as the "King" and she'd been ruling for quite some time, she's never been in this kind of situation despite getting numerous proposals from nobles all across the seas, she's never even considered having some sort of lover as her only goal was to protect people but now here she was... Trying to calm down a teary-eyed fox maiden because she can't make love to her... Not like she can't... She doesn't know how to

"Uhm... Uhh... Uhhhhh... Please don't cry... Uhmm..." Karina cooes her but to no avail as Winter starts sniffling, her fox ears popping out and drooping down to show her emotions which only adds to Karina's panic

Karina bites her lip, she ponders for a bit before heaving a sigh. She holds Winter's cheeks and lifts her face, Winter looks up at her with a frown and tear filled eyes

"I'm sorry I made you sad... Let me show you that I truly do love you, hmm?"

Karina leans in, she lets their lips touch and Winter freezes for a second before easing into the kiss. She places her hands on Karina's arms and moves her lips in sync with her master's, the two share the kiss for what seemed to be minutes before Winter breaks it and pulls her head away, breathing heavily 

"Come here..." Karina says and taps on her lap, Winter immediately obliged and hopped on the girl's lap, getting comfortable as Karina supports her body from behind to not let her fall off

"Do you still think that I don't love you?" Karina asked and Winter shakes her head, Karina caresses her cheek before smiling

"That's good then... But don't think like that ever again, alright?" Karina asked again and Winter nods like an obedient pet, she wraps her arms around Karina's nape as Karina pulls her body closer, wrapping Winter's legs around her waist before standing up, surprising the young fox

"It's uncomfortable in the chair and someone might come in... Let's take this to my chambers..."


"Haaa... M-master..." Winter moaned, she looks at Karina who slowly left kisses along her calves up to her thigh

"Do not address me as master anymore... Call me by my name" Karina says as she leaves one last kiss on Winter's inner thigh, she looks at Winter who laid on her bed. Her clothes almost torn apart, her hair a mess and... Her face which she desperately tried to hide away from Karina


"Look at me Winter... It's rude to look away from someone specially when they're speaking" Karina says and Winter hesitantly looks at her, her hand covering her mouth as she panted. Karina couldn't take her eyes off of the girl's face, she doesn't know what took over her and all that she knows was that... Somehow her body knows what to do and she's letting it do just that

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