(NingSelle) Something New

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She looked at her phone... Nothing... She looked again... Still nothing

Giselle kept repeating this for the next hour, waiting for something to pop up in her phone. She sighs as she checks for the nth time and still there was nothing, she slumps back in her chair as she settled her phone down

"Why am I being like this? It's online... I shouldn't be feeling like this... Right?"She asked herself as she covers her eyes with her palms, it had started 2 weeks ago. Where she kept seeing some random posts from a random girl, at first she was just thinking it was funny. Ofcourse it was since the girl was sharing memes, then as days went by she was starting to feel a funny feeling, she brushes it off as something normal... It was just because of the funny memes right?

But more days came by and she was desperately looking for new posts from the girl, at this point she was shamelessly stalking the girl but she couldn't care less... She liked the funny memes that the girl was sharing, heck she even found it cute when the girl would interact with her friends on her posts. Giselle was smiling to herself reading their friend group's conversation, she thought maybe she wanted to be a part of that friend group which is why she was feeling funny... Then when the girl reacted to one of her posts she suddenly felt something new... Like butterflies started invading her stomach as she reads the girl's name on her notifications... NingNing...

"God... What am I doing?... I'm stalking someone... I even like her despite never talking or interacting with her..."She removes her hands from her eyes as she releases another sigh, she picks up her phone and starts browsing through the net and then she saw it... A platform... Where you could send messages anonymously and luck suddenly gave her an opportunity as she saw who posted the link of that platform... It was her, it was NingNing

She immediately clicks the link but she ponders on what to type. She stops for a moment to think

"Wouldn't it be weird if I suddenly confessed? She doesn't even know me... Yolo... Right?"She mutters to herself as she types up a message, she hits the send button and that's when she felt the anxiety... Was it a bit hasty? Am I being a bit too forward?

She patiently waits for a response and there she sees it. NingNing put up a response... Giselle immediately checks it and she found herself smiling like a fool

"Fuck... I can't even deny it anymore..."She lets out a squeal, covering her mouth as she realises she might disturb other people. She quickly types another message, becoming an anonymous confessor. She laughs and smiles everytime she sees the girl reply to her messages and due to her being all giddy she posts a status. She feels cold water run down her forehead as she sees the girl's name in her notifications...

"Shit... Am I found?..."Giselle nervously tries to put the post off as a "random moment"

And the deciding point came down... NingNing wanted the anonymous confessor to chat her... The anonymous user did bravely say that they would chat her if she wanted but Giselle was definitely nervous behind that anonymity... She ponders for a bit before building up the courage to open her messages, she types up the girl's name and with a heavy breath... She sends a message


"Hello Giselle 😊"

"I don't know what to reply, I just know how to say Hi"

"I guessed it right!"
"I saw your post"

"Oh fuck me... I'm so stupid for posting that..."Giselle mutters to herself, embarassment engulfing her

"Oh yeah I posted that as a kind of clue? I kinda already knew that you'd guess it was me because you reacted to it"

"I saw it because it was right after my post ㅋㅋ"
"My friends want to meet you"

"Shit... Shit... Fuck..."Giselle cusses as she stands up, walking around in circles before she knew it... She was already added into the group chat

"Giselle? You busy? Can you buy me some stuff?"Her mom suddenly opens her bedroom door and Giselle immediately grabs a jacket

"I'll buy it! I'm not busy!"Giselle quickly grabs the money that her mom was holding, she was so nervous that she wanted to go outside to escape for a bit... Like it'll help... It was online!

She hurriedly runs to the convenience store and buys what her mom had told her to buy and she looks at her phone, they were already talking to her, she quickly types up a response before hustling back to their house. She lays down on her bed as soon as she reached home, breathless from running... Atleast it helped calm her down a bit...

"Shit... I need to talk to them... What if they interrogate me?"She sits up from her bed and sends a message to the group chat, she finds herself once again laughing and smiling as she talked with the girl's friend group, they really were fun to be around but she really didn't want to just join the friend group... She knew that...

"Guess this is a start of something new huh?"

(A/N: Couldn't think of something to write but someone told me to write something that I'd recently experienced so I did XD)

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