(WinRina) Good Girl {M}

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"So... Are we just gonna watch them make out?"Giselle asked and nudged NingNing

"I don't know?.... Girl..... I thought we were gonna study?"NingNing asked and turned to her bestfriend

"Oh! Right... Studying, can you go now?"Winter said and the boy she was making out with reluctantly stood up, leaving the classroom

"Geez.... Ever go without a day of making out with someone?"NingNing asked and Winter only giggled

"Let's just study I need to get that image off of my mind"Giselle said as if she was disgusted with what she had witnessed, seconds prior


"Okay Class, I will be taking my leave for a whole month and a substitute teacher will be in my place to teach the lessons that I won't be able to discuss"Their professor announced, a lot of the students immediately showed negative reactions as this specific professor was the nicest one in campus and they were lucky enough to be in his class

"Don't worry class the sub is much more thorough in explaining the lessons"He added and the class couldn't protest anymore

"Miss Yoo? Can you come in please?"The professor asked and the door opened revealing a Young Woman walking into the room

She was wearing the signature uniform for teachers but for some reason it fit her differently than the other teachers in the campus, the ever so boring outfit looked astonishing around her body. Revealing a clear S-Line as she walked to the center of the class, The class didn't give any responses as they were too busy thinking how the teacher made the outfit look like it was for a modeling show

"Can you introduce yourself Miss Yoo? It would be better if the class heard the introductory form you rather than from me"The professor said and the Woman nodded politely

"Hello students, I am Yoo Jimin the substitute teacher for the month.... I hope we can get along just fine for the month"Jimin introduced herself, smiling as she finishes her sentence which immediately captivated the class

Her eyes looked like they were closed from how smiley she was and the dimples on her cheek showed, The mole on her lower lip even looked attractive to everyone

"Well then, I hope you don't cause Miss Yoo trouble.... I will be leaving now, thank you Miss Yoo"The professor said and left the room

"Since it's my first day.... Why don't we get to know each other first? It would be better so I can easily pinpoint everyone"Jimin said and the class agreed

"Do you have questions for me? Maybe I can answer them if it makes you less nervous that I'm not a terror"Jimin added and chuckled

"How old are you ma'am?"One of the students asked

"I'm only a year older than most of you, I'm 21"Jimin replied and smiled

"Miss do you have a boyfriend?"One of the guys immediately asked

"Unfortunately No"Jimin replied and most of the boys cheered at the answer

"Miss do you have a connection with Mrs. Bae? You look alike"One of the girls asked this time

"Wow you're observing a lot..... I do have a connection with her, She's my mother"Jimin replied and the whole class went silent

"Eh?... Did I say something wrong? Why did all turn silent?"Jimin asked, worried she might've said something bad

"Mrs.Bae was a terror!"The class replied which immediately made the teacher laugh

"Oh that's why!..... No wonder everyone turned quiet, don't worry I know where you're coming from.... Imagine living with her that terror you see is nothing compared to the terror I see at home"Jimin replied

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