(WinRina) Something Crazy Called Obsession {M}

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The world is full of cruelties, sure there's some light that'll give you hope and maybe good opportunities but it's not always a guarantee. Yet somehow... Winter finds solace in this uncertainty of a world, in the form of a woman

She had been admiring the girl from afar, she first caught sight of her when she went to check out her friend's new cafe that had just opened and there she sees a raven haired woman sitting alone in the side, drinking her coffee. Winter knew it was rude to stare but she couldn't help it, she couldn't take her eyes off of the woman and before she knew it she was visiting the cafe everyday just to get another look of her. It was truly just an innocent crush... Until she decided to follow the woman around

She followed her to the grocery where she would see that the raven haired woman would always buy cat food and treats, as well as some beer, the woman sure loved to drink, Winter notes because she had seen the girl buy alcohol at least 4 times a week. Was it weird? Of course it was, even to Winter herself, she thought her behavior of following the woman around was weird but she really can't help herself, she just so captivated that she just wants to know everything about her

Due to her frequent visit to the cafe, her friend who was the owner of the place got intrigued and watched her friend. She noticed the stare that Winter was giving the lone girl so she smiles and sits in front of her friend, startling her

"W-woah! Giselle! Don't scare me like that!" Winter argued as she cleans the spilt coffee on the table

"You didn't notice me approach? That's so unlike you Winter, usually you notice people quite well" Giselle replied, a hint of teasing in her tone that got Winter gulping at her own saliva

"What are you—"

"I saw you staring at that girl in the corner over there, don't try to hide it" Giselle says and discreetly points at the woman, making Winter's eyes widen, she didn't know what to say she stayed silent as her face burned from embarrassment

"Stay here" Giselle says and stands up, Winter looks at her with a confused look and Giselle smiles... Winter noticed the glint of mischievousness in her eyes but it was too late as Giselle made her way over to the woman that Winter had been staring at

She turns her head away in great hopes that Giselle doesn't point her out or that the girl looks at her because she for sure as hell looks like a tomato at the moment. She waits for a bit until she sees a shadowy figure standing right behind her so she immediately jumps from her seat and grabs the girl's clothes

"Gi! Why would—" Winter halts as she was faced with the woman she had been shamelessly staring (stalking) at for a long time

"Hi? Quite aggressive for a greeting" The woman says, Winter's knees buckle at the sound... Her voice was deep and alluring, definitely a right fit for such a beautiful woman

"I'm s-so sorry... I-I thought y-you were my f-friend" Winter stutters as she lets go of the woman's clothes, her ears pick up the delightful chuckle of this gorgeous woman right in front of her... Indeed, a smile is so perfect on her face

"It's alright, I did figure your friend was setting you up but I wanted to see your reaction... Quite amusing, I must say" The woman says and Winter's eyes avoid hers... But they land on the mole right underneath the woman's lips, a feature that Winter had always taken notice even in her first encounter with the woman

"You look like you want to kiss me"

Winter's eyes widened, her eyes immediately dart up to meet the woman's eyes, she was now smirking and Winter couldn't help but feel small under the woman's gaze... After all it truly is embarrassing... Because she really did want to kiss this woman

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