(NingSelle) Birthday

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"Aeri..."Jimin called, her voice stern with a hint of that tone you don't want to hear. Like that tone your parents give out when you're in trouble

"Jimin I swear I didn't do anything..... If you saw me do something it was probably because Minjeong tricked me"Giselle quickly defended, she was accused yet but she was already feeling guilty

"Hey! Why am I involved? I didn't do anything!"Winter quickly denied Giselle's accusation due to her also being scared by Karina's aura

"Stop blaming one another, Giselle this is about you"Karina said and Giselle looked at Winter who was now looking at her with a smug expression

"What did you do to Yizhou?"Karina asked and Giselle looked at her

As far as Giselle knows she hasn't seen NingNing, not even in the past week so why was she in trouble?

"I don't know Karina, I haven't seen her for this week"Giselle replied and Karina sighed, Winter facepalmed seemingly knowing what the problem was

"That's exactly what you did Giselle"Karina said which confused Giselle

"Did what?"Giselle asked and Winter placed her arm on Giselle's shoulder

"You didn't see NingNing for the last week, Unnie... What happened before this week?"Winter asked and Giselle immediately gave her a knowing look

"My preparation for my birthday! You helped me!"Giselle replied and Winter nodded her head

It was the 29th, a day before Giselle's birthday but her preparations started at 23 since she had a big plan for her party

"And what did I tell you when you asked me to stay the night?"Winter asked and Giselle thought

"Oh! You were going to a friend's birthday party!"Giselle exclaimed like a kid getting an answer for a star from their teacher

"Bingo, Now if you don't do something I swear to god Aeri Uchinaga I'll never come to your birthday ever again"Karina said and Giselle furrowed her eyebrows

"Why?"Giselle asked

"What day were you guys talking about?"Karina asked back

"The 23rd!"Giselle replied and she stopped as she remembered that day

"Now do you know? Jesus.... Uchinaga it took you this long to remember your girlfrie--- your.... What even are you guys? You don't even have a label"Karina crossed her arms

"I'm courting her!"Giselle defended

"You're courting her but you forgot her birthday, that one day you shouldn't forget because NingNing takes her birthday seriously and she never misses it for anything"Karina replied and Giselle felt her words digging right into her brain

"Okay fine.... It is my bad...... But can you atleast help me?"Giselle asked

"If Karina agrees then I'll help you"Winter said and hooked her arm with Karina's

"I'll help you"Karina said and removed Winter's arm from hers

"You don't have a label too mate, don't be cocky"Karina added and looked at Winter who just pouted at her

"That's because you said you don't want to be in a relationship before graduation"Winter replied

"So? Do you have a problem with that Miss Kim Minjeong? Because if you do then stop courting me"Karina sassily said and walked away

"I was joking! Karina! Love!"Winter yelled as she chased down the girl

"Those girls..... YOU TRAITORS! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA HELP ME??"Giselle yelled but the two were already far

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