(WinRina) Tantrum {M+}

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(Requested Chapter: Karina X WinTop *side note I've made it futanari to I guess add to the intensity? XD since I've got Karina as futanari why not a Winter one too right? The difference though is Karina was a Futanari in a full story whilst this is just a oneshot but hopefully that evens it out XD anyways you've been warned)

"What do you want me to do about it Karina? It's not like I can just give you everything you want"Winter argued as her girlfriend threw a tantrum as they reached their house, she was mad at Winter for not buying her the dress she wanted

Why would Winter do that if the dress looked like it almost covered nothing? It was a backless blue dress, Slits on the side of the thighs and a very low V-neck, who would want their girlfriend to walk in that when everyone and anyone will stare at her for every second?

"Karina I'm warning you, get up from the ground right now"Winter warned as Karina sat on their pavement, not caring if their neighbours stared at them

"Don't make me count"Winter added but Karina huffed and looked away from her, crossing her arms across her chest

"1"Winter started and still Karina didn't move

"2"Winter counted and Again Karina still didn't move

"Don't let me get to three and stand up"Winter said and Karina just stared at her

"3.... That's it, I've had enough of your tantrums"Winter said and pulled Karina up and it took no effort even though Karina tried not to get pulled

"What t---"Karina was cut off as Winter carried her like a sack and entered their house

"Yah! Put me down! This isn't how you treat your girlfriend!"Karina exclaimed, getting dizzy as Winter climbed the stairs into their bedroom

Upon opening the door of the room, Winter threw Karina on the bed luckily for her the bed was too soft for it to hurt her once she landed. Karina was about to yell but stopped as she saw Winter pulling out the belt from her pants

"Hands on the board and face the wall, don't make me count again Karina you wouldn't like what I'd do to you if you made me count again"Winter said, her voice going deep and Karina froze

"Did you hear what I said? Do you want me to force you to face the wall?"Winter asked and Karina immediately putted her hands on the headboard, kneeling on the bed as she stared at the wall

"You heard me the first time but why did it take you this long to do it?"Winter asked and Karina didn't reply as she felt the belt slithering beside her leg

"W-what.... Are y-you doing?"Karina asked, her voice trembling as she felt the bed sinking down as Winter got on it

"What am I doing? I'm disciplining a stubborn girl that's all"Winter replied and caressed Karina's back

"Lift your bottom up"Winter commanded but Karina didn't do anything

"You don't want me to do it, if I do it I'm afraid I won't just be disciplining you"Winter warned but Karina once again didn't do anything

"Very well then"Winter said and harshly pulled Karina's back to be lifted up which made the older girl wince in pain

"This is what happens to bad girls that don't listen, do you understand?"Winter asked as prompted her belt and swung it in Karina's direction landing a big blow right on her ass

"Aagh! Fuck......"Karina muttered as her body collapsed onto the mattress, she couldn't handle the impact and it made her weak

"Shit.... I couldn't control it.... I'm sorry baby.... Are you alright? Did I go too far?"Winter asked, worried evident in her face as Karina faced her

"You know....... We have a safeword for a reason..."Karina said and Winter stared at her

"But......"Winter was about to protest but Karina had already pulled her to hover on top

"I'm okay daddy...... You're disciplining me right?... I'll be fine"Karina said and wrapped her arms around Winter's nape

"Tell me if I go too hard alright sweetheart?"Winter replied and brushed Karina's hair to the side as the older girl nodded eagerly

"Let's skip the punishment shall we? I think that one hit was enough since it was partly my fault that it went overboard hm?"Winter cooed and Karina nodded her head once again

"Be a good girl to daddy alright princess?"Winter asked and rubbed her clothed member against Karina's thigh which made the girl whimper and bite her lower lip as she watched Winter moved

"I'm sorry? I can't hear you love"Winter said and stopped

"Y-yes daddy.... I'll be good t-to you"Karina replied and tried to kiss Winter but the girl avoided it

"I didn't tell you to take control did I? Stay still for me love... Let daddy do the work for you"Winter said as she slowly goes down on Karina's body, she removed Karina's pants in an instant, biting at the undergarment that hid her

"S-shit..... Daddy...."Karina moaned as Winter removed her undies and kissed the side of her center

Winter took a lap on Karina's juices as Karina muffled her moans by biting her lip and gripping onto the mattress

"Come on love, you know I love hearing you beg for me..... For my cock to be buried deep in you.... Isn't that what you want?"Winter asked as comes back up to meet Karina's face

"Come on..... I'm waiting"Winter added and Karina looked at her

"Fuck me daddy..... Bury your cock inside me until I can't walk anymore"Karina begged and Winter raised a brow

"That doesn't sound like begging to me, sounds more like a command.... Are you commanding me Princess?"Winter asked and Karina immediately shook her head

"N-no.... I'm sorry daddy.... P-please? Fuck me please"Karina begged again and this time Winter smirked, sliding down her pants along with her underwear and finally released her angry member

"That's more like it...... How do you want it love?"Winter asked as she coated herself with Karina's wetness

"Hmmm..... R-rough daddy.... Like always"Karina whimpered as she tried getting more friction on Winter's cock

"Then by all means.... Be my guest"Winter whispered and plunged herself into Karina's hole without warning which made the girl moan loudly in both pain and pleasure

"You're still so tight....... God does your cunt love this?"Winter asked as she thrusted roughly into Karina making her close her eyes as she moaned

"Yes! Yes!.... My cunt loves your c-cock... Ahh! Daddy!"Karina moaned as Winter pace fastened

"Yeah? You like that? My cock shoved into you? Are you my whore sweetheart?"Winter asked, pounding roughly which made every contact of their skins slap with a big sound

"I am!.... I'm your whore daddy..... Fuck..... Oh shit......"Karina moaned again pulling Winter's head and planting a kiss which was reciprocated by the other girl

Winter used her hand to stretch Karina's legs, giving her more access to fuck the girl which earned her a moan in between their kisses

"You're close..... You're squeezing me.... Do you want to cum with me love?"Winter asked as they pulled away, Karina nodded her head desperately as she tried to suppress her high

"Then do it love.... Cum with me"Winter commanded and with the last thrust they both came undone, Winter groaning in pleasure as Karina released a high pitched moan

"Now..... You don't get to have a tantrum over something I didn't buy again alright? Otherwise my belt isn't gonna be the only that slaps your ass"Winter reminded as Karina catched her breath

"If this is what's going to happen after every punishment... I wouldn't mind getting punished and I'll probably be throwing more tantrums in the future"

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