(WinRina) An Enemy To Look Out For {M}

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(Requested Chapter +from requests chapter, yes I've just reread and saw this plot so I wrote it XD+. Requests are still open btw)

Trigger warnings!

"So you mean to say that my life's in danger?"Winter asked as she walks in a circle from panic

"Yes... But don't worry all you have to do is shut your windows and don't allow anybody in, there'll be guards down in the lobby and right here outside your door as well so rest assured that you're in safe hands"Giselle calms her down and Winter sighs, she plops down onto her chair

"I trust you Giselle..."Winter says and Giselle nods her head before heading out

Winter stares at her ceiling, wondering how the hell things turned out this way... One minute she was just happily enjoying a vacation and the next thing she knows she's got a big red target on her back, she knew going into the Entertainment Industry was gonna be bad but she didn't think it would reach this level of bad

"Fuck... What have I gotten myself into?"She asks herself and sits up, her body froze as the lights turn off and she hears a thud outside

"Giselle?..."Winter calls out but there was no answer, she hurriedly goes to her kitchen to grab a knife to protect herself

"Well hello Miss Superstar"

The door swings open and it reveals a figure wearing an all black outfit, the face was covered but Winter knew it was girl due to the curves of the figure's body and also the voice, it was deep but not manly

"W-who are you... W-where's Giselle?"Winter asks nervously, she hides the knife behind her back as she slowly backs away

"Giselle? You mean that Bodyguard that gave me your keys? No one's to be trusted in this industry Miss Superstar, those who you think are on your side will stab you once you turn around"The girl replies and Winter immediately regrets trusting Giselle, she has only trusted the girl because she was the first one to reach out to her about this situation

"What do you want? I have money... I'll give it to you"Winter bargains and the girl laughs, she takes off her mask anf the lights come back on again. She locks the door of the apartment

"I don't need your money, I'm already rich enough"The girl replies and Winter looks at her face

"You're... You're Karina!... We worked together for a show!"Winter exclaims and Karina chuckles and claps

"Wow, you even remember me what an honor... But if you could kindly just shut your mouth? Or I'll put a gun down your throat"Karina warns and Winter huffs

"Why are you doing this?"Winter asked, she stops backing away as her back hits the wall of her apartment and Karina inches towards her

Upon reaching Winter, Karina looks down at her and lifts her face up with the gun that she was holding

"It's my job that's why... I'm not just a normal celebrity like you, I came into this industry to hunt down people like you"Karina says and Winter shakes from the nervousness, she grips the knife behind her back before looking at Karina

"Why? For what reason?"Winter asked and Katina stares at her

"Why are you asking me? Shouldn't you know?"Karina asked, she scoffs as Winter looks at her with a clueless expression

"Don't act dumb now, you went to the celebration didn't you? During that little vacation of yours you attended a party of the elite. I know because I was there to scope people out and I saw your pretty little face lurking around"Karina replies

"So what if I was at that party?"Winter asked and Karina backs away a little bit, she pulls back her gun and looks at Winter's stuff

"Stand still or I'll fucking blow your head off"Karina says and she rummages through the cabinets of the apartment, tearing through everything before she comes back and grips Winter's face

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