(WinRina) Field Trip PT.2 {M}

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"Girl... Tell me... Did you get a guy? Why are you so smiley this early in the morning?"Giselle asked as Karina sat beside her, they were all currently eating breakfast with the whole class and Karina looked oddly happy upon arriving

"No I'm just in a good mood"Karina replied and rolled her eyes, she looked at the door and as expected Winter came in, the girl had a band aid in her neck which made Karina chuckle to herself

"You're seriously so weird right now..."Giselle said as ofcourse it didn't go unnoticed to her that her bestfriend suddenly started laughing to herself

"Just eat your breakfast... I'll tell you after the trip"Karina replied and Giselle just nodded slowly

"Okay! Today we'll be camping at the back, the hotel gave us permission to use their grounds. Don't worry about the tents they are all settled up, ofcourse the ones staying inside the tents are the partners that stayed in the rooms so I don't want to hear any complaints about this alright?"Their professor said and the students could only groan in disappointment while Karina smiled


"Alright that's enough time in the campfire, go to your tents... Tomorrow will be our last day and we'll go to a museum"Their teacher explained and the students stood up to go back to their tents

Karina looked at Winter who was quietly following her from behind, the other students were ofcourse making fun of Winter

"You guys, stop that"Karina said as she turned to them, the other students gasped and some just stared

"What? We're just joking, besides you joke with us all the time"One dude replied

"Yeah but right now you're not being funny jackass, you're just being a dick"Karina replied and rolled her eyes, the other students cheered specially Giselle who kept yelling "That's my bestie bitches"

"Students that's enough! Get to your tents"Their teacher yelled and they hurriedly went into their own tents

"Thank yo"Winter said as they got inside their own tent, Karina zipped in shut and sat beside her

"Don't worry about them... They're just really like that... Also sorry... Again, because I used to do that too"Karina said and Winter shook her head

"It's fine, you don't have to say sorry... We talked about this remember?"Winter asked and Karina nodded

"This bed doesn't feel comfortable..."Karina said as they felt the grass poking through whatever cloth was covering them, it wasn't even a bed it was just some kind of blanket that was tossed over

"Let's head out for awhile"Karina suggested and Winter looked at her

"But we'll get yelled at..."Winter replied

"No, we just have to not get caught... He said we can't go inside the hotel... So we'll just walk around it"Karina said and Winter reluctantly followed her

"You're really used to doing these kinds of stuff huh?"Winter asked and Karina chuckled

"Having strict parents can be a pain and a useful thing"Karina replied and grabbed a flashlight

They two went out quietly, looking around to see if there was anybody else out and luckily for them no one came out of their tents. Karina pulled Winter along until they reached the nearby lake they had went to earlier that day

"It feels so peaceful here"Karina said and sat on a rock, Winter sat beside her

"Are you really sure this is fine? What if we get in trouble?"Winter asked

"I told you, we just have to not get caught---"

"Hello? Is there anyone there?"

The two girls froze as they heard the teacher's voice, they instantly panicked and due to that Winter slipped off of the rock, causing her to fall into the water

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