(WinRina) Cold Hearted

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"Hey? Hey! Winter!"Karina yelled out as Winter was staring into the air

"Huh?..... What is it?"Winter asked obviously confused, she looked at Karina who sighed and shook her head

"I was asking if you wanted to grab lunch" Karina replied and Winter just simply nodded

"Hey! Mind if we joined?"Giselle said putting her arms around Karina's shoulders as NingNing followed behind

"Yeah sure, let's go eat at the new bakery I heard the pastries are bomb"Karina excitedly said and the three of them happily walked as Winter tailed behind them

'I swear...... I hate her so much'

"Hey ladies! Welcome! What can I get you?"A guy immediately approached them as they took their seat near the window

"4 red velvet slices and 4 coffee"Karina said and the guy wrote down the order before smiling at her and going to the counter

"That was sus..."Giselle said and Karina turned to look at her

"What was?"Karina asked and Giselle low-key pointed at the guy who asked their order

"He was all smiley when he looked at you, I think he likes you"Giselle replied and Karina shook her head

"Don't be ridiculous, he's just being nice"Karina replied and looked at Winter who was not making sound and was just looking outside

'why don't you look at me?...'

"Here's your order ladies, enjoy your lunch"The guy who took their order served them as well, leaving a note on the side of the table

"What is that?"NingNing asked and pointed at the paper next to Karina, Karina picked it up and showed it to the two infront of her

"See? I told you he was sus, I was right on him liking you as well"Giselle said proudly and NingNing rolled her eyes before nudging Giselle

"Shut it"NingNing whispered and Giselle immediately obeyed and looked at Karina

"Just let him be, he won't be mad if I don't do anything right?"Karina asked and NingNing nodded at her

"How's your lunch ladies?"The guy came again and smiled again at Karina's direction, Giselle started tapping NingNing's lap making NingNing panic and let out a fake cough which made the guy look at her

"C-can I get w-water?"NingNing asked nervously and the guy immediately left to get water

When the guy returned he stood next to Karina, giving NingNing the water and turning his head to face Karina

"Dude..."Winter finally spoke

Giselle gulped her own saliva and looked at NingNing who was obviously scared and nervous as well

"Get the fuck away, we don't need your assistance we can just call for you if we needed it"Winter said and looked at the guy

Taken aback the guy laughed awkwardly, scratching his nape and once again looking at Karina

"Uhm.... Sorry if I keep disturbing.... I just wanted your number"The guy said and that's when Winter stood up from her seat to face the man

"I'm glad you know you're disturbing us, Now take your leave before I complain to your manager and also...... Stop hitting on my wife"Winter firmly said and the guy rushed to the counter

"Damn....... This is why I don't like pissing Winter off.... It feels like my head's gonna blow anytime she moves"Giselle said and Winter looked at her making her tightly shut her mouth

"I hate you"Winter said and looked at Karina before sitting down again

Karina's heart shattered, she was happy that her wife stood up for her but those three words completely hurted her. She didn't answer and instead held back her tears before looking down, she saw winter's hand grabbing hers

She didn't want to look at Winter because once she lays her eyes on her wife her tears would burst

"Look at me"Winter said but Karina shook her head

Winter lifted her head up, caressing Karina's cheeks as tears finally flow down her face. The two infront of them just sat there, watching the two

"Don't cry...... Please Rina...... I don't like seeing you cry"Winter said, her voice softening as she embraces her wife and hushes her

"I don't mean it like that...... What I meant with I hate you was.... I hate the fact that you're so perfect, everyone keeps looking at you even if you're with me...... I hate the fact that you're grabbing attention everywhere we go..... I just want you to be..... Mine.... I don't like anyone else staring or taking a liking on you....... I can't look at you from time to time because it reminds me so much of how everybody wants to be with you, Call me selfish but I want to be the only person who likes you, who looks at you lovingly, who compliments you..... Who loves you.... Please stop crying.... It pains me to see you cry because of me and my words..... I'm sorry"Winter said and Karina looked up to her, wiping her tears as a small smile form on her lips

"I know I don't show it much...... But Karina...... I love you, I really do and I don't ever want to lose you"Winter added and NingNing started crying as well, Giselle patting her back as Karina lightly chuckle at their youngest friend

"I love you too Winter...... I love you so much"Karina replied to Winter

"Okay that's enough crying let's get the heck out of here before that guy comes again"Giselle said making them giggle

"Oh I wouldn't dare if I were him, I won't think twice on punching him... Don't even get me started on him trying get my wife's number"Winter's annoyed tone could be heard, they paid for their lunch before going out. The guy apologized at Winter and Karina for his behaviour and bowed at them deeply

"I always knew you were cold hearted..... But then again I fell for you and then we got married"Karina said and Winter smiled at her

"That's because you melted the ice that was once covering me"

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