(WinRina) A Queen and Her Knight

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"Hey Winter!"Karina greeted and ran to the girl

"H-hey..."Winter greeted back as everyone's attention fall to them, like a flock of birds eyeing their prey

"I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with us? You've only been in this school for a week and I've barely seen you with other students"Karina beamed and her bestfriends immediately ran to them

"I-I'm good.... It's f-fine"Winter declined, feeling as though she had lost some eyes watching her

"Please? Just this once! We won't bother you again just give us a chance to become your friends"Giselle asked and NingNing nodded

Winter still didn't want to agree but her eyes wandered and she saw Karina's face, her eyes were staring right at her as if she was getting sucked into a blissful abyss. She saw how the girl's face became sad as she had noticed Winter still not answering

"O-okay then..."Winter replied and Karina's face immediately lit up, clinging onto the girl

Winter couldn't care less at the stares and possible death that was looking over her, her focus was on the girl... The girl who showed her famous eyesmile which smitten her heart in just a moment, her heart beated faster as if a band had started drumming on it... Making it sound loud for herself to hear that this was infact love

"We'll go order, you guys go to our seat"Giselle said and NingNing followed her, leaving Karina and Winter

Karina pulled Winter along to their seat and she noticed how the girl looked around, being wary of the crowd looking her way as if she was some sort of criminal, judging her like a book

"Hey...."Karina started and Winter looked down, feeling bad thinking she was embarrassing the group of girls because of her presence

"Winter?"Karina asked but Winter didn't answer and just kept her head down

Karina leaned a bit to see the girl's face and she immediately grabbed the girl's hand as she droplets of tears falling down onto the girl's skirt

"Are you okay? Winter? Why are you crying?"Karina asked worriedly

"I-I'm sorry.... I-I'm just embarrassing y-you guys..... E-everyone seems to not like the f-fact that I'm hanging out w-with you guys...... I s-should leave"Winter said and wiped her tears, she stood up but Karina didn't let go of her hand

"Sit down.... Please"Karina asked her face looked calm but her eyes showed worry

"I-I can't..."Winter replied and turned her head away, trying not to look at the girl

Karina stood up, she pulled Winter towards her body and quickly embraced her. Karina pushed their bodies against the wall hiding Winter in her arms, Winter lifted her head up to look at the girl

"Don't think like that please...... I don't care if they think badly of us... Just please...... Stay"Karina said and patted the girl's head

"W-why are you doing t-this?"Winter asked and Karina sighed

"I like you...... I know what you're gonna say, you're gonna say but I'm just a nerd  or I'm just an ordinary girl"Karin said and Winter didn't reply

"You're not just a nerd or some sort of ordinary girl because to me Winter you're unique, not in the bad kind of way but in a way that made me feel attracted to you.... First day... We met during dance lessons...... I remember seeing you dance harder because you were trying to fit in with the new environment.... It made me think of how responsible you are and how hard working you are, You didn't know me at the time as 'Miss Popular' because I didn't want you to know..... Because I know this would happen.... You would distance yourself because you think we're different"Karina explained

"You were so kind to me Winter...... It made me see the side of yours that takes care of others, You even tripped before coming closer to me but you chose to ignore it because you noticed how my breathing became uneven"Karina added

"Everyone!"Karina exclaimed and turned her head towards the crowd that was looking their way intensely

"No one.... Not any one of you can either say something or do something to this girl because if you do...... We're gonna have trouble in this University"Karina exclaimed and everyone started murmuring, some shocked

"She's my property and if you get too close to her boundaries.... I'm gonna unleash the hounds"Karina said and as she snapped her fingers, men gathered towards her

"NCT.... The one and only...... The Pride of the university..... The Jocks"

"You heard her. NCT is apart of the University's United clan You don't want to mess with us and clearly.... You don't want to mess with the Queen of Campus, The Crowned Royalty"Taeyong announced

"Let this be a warning to any of you"Jaehyun added

"You're my territory... I won't ever let them ruin or destroy you, A Queens prized Possession you might say"Karina said and turned her head towards Winter

"Their Kingdom..."Winter replied and Karina's mouth formed a smile

"So what do you say? I might be a Queen to them but for you..... I'll be a Knight"Karina joked and Winter chuckled, forgetting about what she was worried about as she feels assured... Protected

"A knight needs a Queen to protect don't they?"Karina added and Winter finally smiled at her making the girl beam with joy

"Wow we just bought lunch and you guys just made your own fairy tale"Giselle chuckled and NingNing smiled at the two

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