(WinRina) The Deity's Chosen Ones (M)

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"Looking at her closely like this... I do see the resemblance"Karina stated as she eyed the poor girl that was locked up in a cage, hands tied and a gag in her mouth

"Then would you buy her? I told you she looks exactly like the deity"The merchant replied happily, already eyeing Karina's wallet that seemed to be almost overflowing with gold

"I don't know... What if you used some kind of magic on her to make her look like the deity?"Karina asked and the merchant immediately shook his head, taking out a prism to show that there no signs of magic used onto the girl

"Very well then... I suppose 100 gold should be enough?"Karina asked and the Merchant gleamed in joy, nodding his head

He quickly pulls out the seal of the cage and hands it over to Karina as she settled the pile of gold onto his countertop. Karina releases the seal and the girl looks up at her, scared and nervous

"Don't worry little one... Just do as I say"Karina whispered, kneeling down to face the girl

"You quickly hide behind that barrel until I tell you to come out... Can you do that for me? I promise I won't hurt you"Karina asked and the girl hesitantly nodded

"On 3 okay?... One... Two... Three!"Karina exclaimed and the girl immediately ran behind the barrels

Karina grabs her knife from her pocket, threatening it over the merchant's eye before smiling sweetly at him. He looked at Karina's eyes in terror, realising he had made such a terrible deal with this person

"Now... You already know who I am so... Why don't you just die?"Karina asked and plunges the knife right into the merchant's neck, leaving him wincing and grovelling in pain as Karina took out another knife

"I thought I made it clear that there would be no illegal trading of people? Specially the poor? My my... To go against the King's orders, did you really think I wouldn't find out?"Karina asked and stomped on the merchant's legs, kicking him down onto his stomach where he spits out blood, trying to remove the knife that was still stuck in his throat

"I give everything to my people, I give you my words, I give you my wealth and I give you my permissions and this is what you repay me with... Disobedience and betrayal, normally I would spare people from their crimes such as stealing once I knew their story but for you... There is no need to hear your story, selling your own kind to rich girl... You bring shame to my kingdom"Karina said, her voice deepening with every word as she felt the anger bestow upon her. She couldn't bear thinking that these kinds of people were living amongst them

"For you I shall spare no mercy, for the deity that have blessed me with such power, I give you nothing else but pain and suffering... May the devil consume you and you burn in eternal flames in my name... Katarina Yoo, Jimin of the Frillea Kingdom I bring forth the death that you well deserve... You were once apart of my people but now you are no longer in need as of the act you've commited"Karina chants, her knife glows as she finishes. She looked at the merchant one more time who letted out a cry, desperate for mercy

"If only you followed the rules would I have spared you"Karina said before plunging her knife into the merchant's chest, straight to his heart and immediately ending his life

Karina sighs in relief before looking at the barrels, she walks towards it to find the poor girl she had saved, holding onto her knees shaking with her eyes closed

"It's alright now... You can come out"Karina gently cooed her and the girl slowly opened her eyes

"Let's get these off of you shall we?"Karina asked and lent out her hand, the girl slowly puts her tied hands over Karina's and nods her head

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