(WinRina) Backstage {M+}

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(Requested Chapter: Winter X TopKarina, Claiming her girlfriend Infront of everyone including the one who tried flirting with her)

"Everyone! We'll take a 30 minute break before we resume the recording"The staff said and the idols did what they wanted, some talked to their friends from other groups and some just talked with their team

"Hey Winter!"Ryujin called and waved at the girl

"Oh he---"Winter was cutted off as she saw someone with her bestfriend, she quickly bowed

"No need to bow Winter-nim"The boy said and Winter smiled

"It would be rude Sunghoon-shi"Winter replied and the boy just chuckled

"Oh... Well I was gonna introduce him to you but you already know him..... Don't get me wrong I was pushed to do this by this man"Ryujin blurted out and Sunghoon blushed in his place as Winter chuckled nervously, seeing a dark aura piercing through her approaching from the hallway


Ryujin froze in her place and gulped before staring at Winter who looked just as nervous as she was, she turned and was immediately greeted by a smiling Karina. Sunghoon turned as well and bowed as he saw Karina standing behind them

To everyone it just seemed like Karina was just happy to see her member along with other members of other groups but Winter and Ryujin knew better, Karina's smile is a facade of the hidden anger she was bottling inside her

"Oh Sunghoon-shi I didn't know it was you"Karina said and the boy smiled at her

"Do you mind if I take my girlfriend? I need some time alone with her"Karina said as she beamed another smile, Sunghoon looked at Winter who just huffed and forced a smile

"Yup.... Yeah.... I'm the g-girlfriend"Winter proclaimed and Sunghoon nodded slowly before taking his leave

"Yeji"Karina called and Ryujin's eyes immediately widened as Yeji ran towards Karina

"I think your girlfriend forgot something before introducing someone to MY GIRL"Karina said emphasizing the "My girl" part as Ryujin gulped

"Ahh..... Shin Ryujin, You know who my bestfriend is right?"Yeji asked and Ryujin nodded almost instantly

"You know I always do everything if I'm asked politely right?"Yeji asked again and ofcourse Ryujin nodded

"A great night of candle wax doesn't sound that bad doesn't it?"Karina suggested and Ryujin felt herself getting weaker as Yeji nodded in agreement, their conversation was only heard by them and it made the other idols think that they may be just talking casually

"And you"Karina pointed at Winter which took everyone's attention

"Y-yes?"Winter stuttered, Karina signalled for her to come closer and so she did

Karina pulled her by the waist, inching her face closer and now everyone was just staring as their faces were only a few inches apart

"I don't think you'll do a good job on stage today"Karina said and Winter looked at her nervously

"I don't think you'll be able to.... Walk right"Karina whispered and Winter looked at Ryujin as if asking for help but the latter girl had her own problem with Yeji wrapping her arm around her shoulder

Winter let out a squeal as Karina licked her earlobe, everyone avoided their gaze as they clearly saw what the girl did which made Karina smirk triumphantly

"Bathroom, 2nd floor"Karina commanded and left, leaving Winter all red as she looked around and everyone was hiding their faces at what they had witnessed

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