(WinRina) Pure

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(A/N: Chapter is somewhat... {M} so...)

"Shouldn't you be in class?" Karina asked in annoyance as she stared at the girl sitting in front of her

"We don't have 2nd period today since the teacher's absent" Winter cheerfully replied and it only added to Karina's annoyance

"Well then read or do your assignment instead of annoying me" Karina said and Winter smiles before leaning her head against her palm, staring at Karina

"I'm already done with all my assignments and I can read at home, I'll just borrow the books" Winter replied and Karina scowled before turning to her computer

Karina doesn't know why on earth this schoolgirl was hitting on her, Winter's visits were so frequent that teachers that come and go just greets her now. Being a librarian was already tiresome as it was, going through the list of books just to find one specific book for a teacher or a student which takes atleast half an hour from all the books in their library, not to mention the difficulty of going to the exact aisle number and reaching for the book itself, some books were higher than others and Karina has to go and grab a ladder sometimes just to grab a book. It was extremely bothersome but Karina can't outright complain since she chose to apply for the job

"Are you free after school?" Winter asked and Karina shuts her eyes as she tries to hold herself back

"No, I'm not. I'm expensive" Karina replies and Winter chuckles at her response

"How much for your time after school then?" Winter asked and Karina turns to her

"Your entire family fortune, now let me work in peace" Karina replies and Winter pouts

Although the girl was extremely cute and pretty, Karina still finds her annoying as Winter would always blatantly flirt with her and she's not even shameful of what she was doing because she was well aware that she's flirting with the librarian

"Come on, you always turn me down... Then can I stay here until you get off of work?" Winter asked and Karina sighs in frustration

"You have classes! It's your 2nd period, you still have 4 more periods left so obviously you can't stay here as you'd be cutting classes" Karina replies and Winter slumps onto the table as Karina stared at her

"You can come by... Later, after your classes are done but I'm not going out with you, we'll just be here in the library" Karina sighs in defeat and Winter's head lifted up, her eyes glimmering with happiness as she grabs her bag

"Roger that! I'll be back later!" Winter runs off and as soon as she exited the library, the bell rang indicating that the 3rd period was about to start

Karina leans back on her chair as she pinches herself for giving up like that, she could've firmly told the girl a "no" but ofcourse her words contradicted that thought as she saw the utter dejection on the girl's face earlier... She always doesn't admit it but she finds the girl cute, even if it does annoy her sometimes she liked the fact that the girl accompanied her during her free time, afterall it could get a bit lonely in the library

"What am I getting myself into? Damn this school" Karina mutters as she turns to her computer again and starts typing away


The bell rang and the students immediately rush out of their classrooms, happy to finally be dismissed and go home. Winter on the other hand was happy that she was finally making progress with the librarian, at first she was just joking around because the librarian seemed cold to everyone and she wanted to go and kind of lighten her up but as days pass she realized that she was growing to like the older woman, she always rejected her sure but she always did it in a nice way like the other time when Winter asked her to go get coffee with her, the girl replied with "You're a student, caffeine is not good for you... Only drink it when it's necessary like for staying up to finish a project" It wasn't an outright rejection, it was more like pure care from the older woman and it made Winter more adamant about the girl because although the girl rejects her offers she still makes an effort to not hurt the her feelings. That pure intention made Winter more attracted to her

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