(WinRina) Dream PT.3 {M+}

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!This is a continuation so ofcourse it's matured content¡

As soon as they got off the car Karina pulled Winter by the waist, Crashing her lips with her wife's. Karina couldn't care less if their neighbours sees them and thinks that they're scandalous

She hungrily kissed Winter who returned it with the same amount of force and passion, Karina slammed Winter's back against the door and grabbing her keys from her back pocket, not pulling away even for a second

As the door swung open Karina lifted her wife up, closing the door behind her with her foot and making their way to their bedroom. Karina threw Winter to the bed, looking at her with hooded eyes

"Strip"Karina commanded, her voice was filled with lust and control which made Winter cower and obey her wife

"Hands up"Karina added, removing the buttons on her own blouse

Winter did as told, she wanted to tease Karina for a little bit but her body was afraid of the consequences although she was excited she was also scared

"Don't make a noise, if you do I'll make this harder and painful for you, got it?"Karina asked and Winter gulped

"Y-yes..."Winter replied

"Safeword?"Karina asked as she fully removed her top along with her jeans

"V-vanilla"Winter replied and Karina smirked finally removing her underwear off

"Again, No noise Winter"Karina reminded and when Winter nodded she quickly got a hold of her hands that were raised up

Karina pinned her down to the bed, her lips trailing down Winter's body and all Winter could do was part her mouth but her moans was contained as she remembered Karina's words

Karina made her way down to Winter's abdomen, pulling her hands down to reach down further making Winter bite her lip to suppress her moans

Karina lips parted and her tongue clicked on Winter's clit, Winter exhaled sharply at the contact and she could taste blood from biting her lips too hard

"Ahh.... Mmh..."Winter couldn't contain her moan as Karina's tongue entered her, Karina pulled away to look at her wife

"What did I say Winter?"Karina asked and Winter couldn't answer

Karina forcefully flipped Winter's body around, trapping her hands right at her back with a single hand and lifts Winter's feet to kneel on the bed

"You just disobeyed an order, this will be the punishment for that"Karina said and one of her hands slowly parted Winter's cheeks

"Count"Karina said and her hand swung up and landed on Winter's ass, leaving a red mark as the girl winced and moan

"O-one...."Winter counted

Karina's hand swung up again, her hand landing on a different spot but with the same amount of force. Winter's body shook at the force, her legs were starting to give up

"Tw-o....."Winter counted again, swallowing hard

Karina licked her lower lip as her hand raised up again, she spanked Winter on the same spot as the first one which made Winter shudder and plop on the bed, wincing at the pain

"Who said you could come down?"Karina asked and Winter forced herself to raise up again

"I-I'm s-sorry.... Thr-ee"Winter said, her voice sounded broken as tears escape her eyes from the pain

"Are you gonna be a good girl now?"Karina asked, feeling slightly guilty as she hears Winter sobbing

"Y-yes"Winter replied

"Be a good girl for me and you'll get your prize alright?"Karina said, fixing Winter's hair as she nodded

"Lay flatly for me baby"Karina said softly, Winter's body settled on the bed

Karina's hand caressed Winter's ass which made the girl hiss at her, making her feel more badly for what she'd done

"Too far?"Karina asked and Winter looked at her

Winter shook her head which gave Karina the confirmation that she needed, she planted a kiss on Winter's back before going back down. Her tongue traced the sides of Winter's folds making the girl bite her lip once more

"Let it out now baby....... You will already broken the rule so why not continue?"Karina said as her fingers teased Winter's core

"Aahh..... F-fuck.... Please.... K-Karina"Winter pleaded

"That's not what you call me"Karina said

"Baby.... P-please"Winter pleaded once more and Karina smirked, she entered a finger into Winter

Her finger smoothly entered as Winter was already soaked, A moan escaped Winter's mouth and before Karina moved her finger she added another, leaning down once again

"Go crazy for me baby, I'll make you remember this day..."Karina said and Winter opened her mouth to reply but a loud moan came out instead as Karina's tongue made contact with her as her fingers started moving

"Oh..... M-my fucking.... G-god.... Y-yes.... Hhmmm"Winter moaned as Karina's pace went faster

Winter was a moaning mess, she was burying her head into the mattress, turning her head from side to side from the pleasure she's feeling

"B-baby.... I'm n--- Aaaahhh"Winter moaned loudly as she came undone with Karina's force

Karina turned her body almond letted go of her hands, Winter's hands snaked their way onto Karina's nape as the girl pulled her into a kiss

Winter immediately pulled her head away as she felt Karina's fingers moving inside her again, she was a mess from being sensitive

"Rina..... F-fuck..... I'm.... I-I'm sensitive.... Shit!"Winter cursed as she felt herself building up on the inside again

As Karina's hand thrusted inside her again, her second orgasm came and she shivered as Karina's hand finally pulled out of her

She looked at Karina weakly, Karina smiled at her before bringing her hand up to her mouth and Licking Winter's excess off of them which made Winter embarrassed, she smacked Karina's arm weakly

"You came Winter, that's two times"Karina sweetly said as she pulled her fingers out of her mouth. Winter's eyes grew

"B-but you didn't say t-that I couldn't!"Winter defended

"But I didn't say you could........ We're not done yet baby, I'll make you reach your 30th high by midnight"

(if you're gonna ask.... No there's no more continuation of this XD this is the ending, I'll leave the rest to your imaginations XD)

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