(NingSelle) Her Smile

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The choir bells rang and everyone stood up, the doors of the church opened and Giselle couldn't help crying as she looks at NingNing right through that door, she smiles as NingNing walks the aisle

Karina taps Giselle's shoulder and the girl looks at her and wipes her tears

"I can't help it... She's so beautiful"Giselle whispers and Karina chuckles

"Isn't she always beautiful?"Winter asked from behind Karina and Karina immediately nudges her

"She is... But she looks specially more beautiful today..."Giselle replies and Karina smiles at her

Giselle's breath hitches as NingNing was already infront of the altar, smiling ever so sweetly at her. Giselle helps her up onto the podium

"You look stunning Ning..."Giselle whispers and NingNing chuckles, she hits Giselle's arm playfully

"Thank you Gi, this is the best day ever so ofcourse I have to be stunning"NingNing says and Giselle smiles at her, nodding her head

"You were always stunning... But today you look even better, I don't know how you do it but you just look more beautiful as each day passes by"Giselle says and NingNing suddenly hugs her

"Thank you... I love you Giselle"NingNing whispers and Giselle hugs her back, she pats NingNing's head before pulling away

"Don't ruin your makeup now"Giselle jokes and NingNing laughs before fixing herself up on the podium

"I wish you the best Ning... Even if it means giving you up..."Giselle mutters and NingNing looks at her

"Hmm? Did you say something?"NingNing asked and Giselle smiled

"I said... I wish you the best Ning, Be happy with your husband"Giselle says and NingNing smiles, nodding her head and Giselle goes back to her place next to Karina... The Bridesmaids

"I told you so... Don't wait to confirm things for too long... Otherwise it'll be too late"Karina says and Giselle lowers her head

"I... I thought we felt the same... I thought wrong..."Giselle says and a tear escapes her eye as Karina holds her arm

"NingNing! Hey! I've got something to say"Giselle excitedly ran towards NingNing, she had been trying to see if NingNing had felt the same about her as they had been with each other most of the days and that day she felt that NingNing truly felt like she also has the same feelings and so Giselle tried to shoot her shot

"Gi! I've got something to say too! I'm so excited!"NingNing exclaims and she also runs towards Giselle, the two hug each other as they met and Giselle felt her heart beating faster... This was it... This was finally it

"Gi! Haechan asked to be my boyfriend! I'm so happy right now!"

The sound of glass shattering... No... It was the sound of Giselle's heart getting torn into pieces as she had heard what the girl said. She pulls back and she sees NingNing's happy face, the smile she had fallen in love with... The smile she desperately wanted to see... The smile she wanted to protect... The smile she wanted to be the cause of... Was not meant for her

"O-oh! That's great! I'm so h-happy for you Ning!"Giselle forces a smile as NingNing joyfully jumps

"I know! It's so great! Oh! What were you gonna tell me?"NingNing asks and Giselle laughs awkwardly

"Oh... I forgot haha... I'll you some other time when I remember"Giselle said and NingNing chuckles

"You pabo, come on! Let's go meet Rina unnie and Winter! I want to tell them the news"

"Rina... If I had told her sooner do you think it'd be me that's with her on that podium right now?"Giselle asks and Karina heaves a sigh

"Had I been a bit more obvious do you think she would have noticed?... Do you think she knew how I truly felt?"Giselle asks again and Karina couldn't answer, Winter pats Giselle's back

"We don't know the answers to your questions Giselle... Only you and NingNing know the answers to those"Winter says and Giselle's tears finally escape her eyes

"I'm so stupid... I should've done everything... Now... I'm just regretting everything I hadn't done... If I had done everything... She would've been mine... I would've been hers... We would be together but now I live to regret... I live to see her smile... Happy with someone else"

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