(NingSelle) Sacrifices and Happiness

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Ever wondered how it feels to fall in love? Cherish someone more than anything in the world? Care for them until everything disappears?

"It's how I feel everyday..."Giselle muttered as questions flooded her head, she looked at NingNing who was sleeping peacefully

"Hey.... Wake up cutie"Giselle called and shook the girl

"Come on it's a special day NingNing, you and I both know that"Giselle added and smiled as the girl stretched her arms

"It's still early Gigi"NingNing said as she yawned, sitting up on the bed

"I know but we can't be late can't we?"Giselle asked and smiled as NingNing finally stood up, nodding her head

"God... I love this girl so much"


"There you two are! We've been waiting for you!"Karina beamed as Giselle and NingNing neared her and Winter

"I thought we said 7:30? It's 8:45"Winter said and crossed her arms

"Stop that.... Come on you take Giselle and I'll take care of NingNing"Karina said and pulled the younger girl

"But babe.... You said we'd go together?"Winter pouted and Karina laughed

"The fuck? Are you ditching me? Winter what happened to the br-- dumb and dumber rules? Dumb before hoes?"Giselle joked and Karina didn't let the 'joke' pass through and punched Giselle's arm

"You just called me a hoe Uchinaga"Karina said and raised a brow

"That's not what I meant! And it was a joke!"Giselle quickly defended and hid behind Winter

"I can't with you girls.... Can we move along? We're gonna take all day if we keep standing here"NingNing impatiently commented and Winter could do nothing but go with Giselle

"You know for someone getting married..... Ning doesn't look happy, maybe because she's with you?"Winter said and Giselle immediately glared at her

"I'm just kidding.... But.... She's rarely smiling these days.... Haven't you noticed?"Winter asked and Giselle didn't reply

"Do you think.... She's really unhappy?"Giselle asked back and Winter looked at her

"I don't know but one thing is for sure..... Her eyes never lied"


"This is it! Are you excited?"Karina asked as fixed NingNing's veil, smiling from ear-to-ear as she looked at the younger girl

"I can't believe it's happening already.... Unnie...... You'll still hang out with me even if I'm married right?"NingNing asked and Karina chuckled

"Of course silly, you're like my sister already and besides.... I don't think Giselle will be mad if you hang out with me"Karina replied and NingNing just smiled at her, they stood at the big doors where once it opens.... NingNing life will be changing, forever

"The bride is now entering..."The officiant said and the doors opened, revealing NingNing and Karina who was escorting her

Upon reaching the altar, Giselle couldn't help but sob silently as she looked at NingNing. Karina handed NingNing's hand over and smiled

"Take care of my bestfriend, my sister..... Take care of her alright Haechan?"Karina asked and the boy smiled before nodding his head

"Gi... We.... We can still do something...."Winter whispered as Giselle lowered her head, not wanting to witness the wedding that was about to happen

"Giselle..... If you think I was dumb to not notice it well you're wrong.... Giselle......... It's not too late... I won't get mad I promise.... Just please..... Give NingNing her smile back"Karina muttered as she went to her seat beside Giselle and Winter

"Is there anyone who opposes this wedding?"The officiant asked and the church turned silent

NingNing looked, she looked at her bestfriend's desperately wishing.... Praying that maybe... Just maybe... She would stand up and say that she opposed the wedding... Just maybe Giselle would do it

"Is there no one?"The officiant asked again and Karina tugged on Giselle's shirt while Winter stared at NingNing who was looking back at them

"Well t---"

"I.... I oppose this wedding"NingNing stood up surprising everyone in the church

"L-love?..."Haechan called but NingNing didn't look at him

"I also oppose this wedding"Giselle finally stood up, wiping off the tears that had escaped her eyes

"I oppose this wedding because that girl is..... That girl is someone I don't want to let go... Not anymore, I don't care if her parents don't like it nor do I care if Haechan hates me....... But just this once I want to be selfish and think about myself... Think about how I want to be happy with her"Giselle said, Karina and Winter looked at each other before smiling

"I'm sorry...... I don't love you Haechan.... I was scared.... I was scared that my parents would be mad at me... But right now that doesn't matter anymore, I want to put me first"NingNing said and Giselle walked up to her, holding her hand

"I'm sorry everyone"NingNing said for the last time as Giselle pulled her away, running to the doors they once entered separately

"Hey hey! Don't forget about us!"Winter yelled and ran towards the two

"What are you two doing?"Giselle asked

"Well if your parents don't support you guys then we will, We're family remember? We're friends"Karina replied and swung her key

"Now how about something risky?..... Per say.... Running away altogether where no one can ever judge you and your love for each other and where only support and love can mingle in the air?"Karina asked and led the girls to her already prepped car

"Don't worry about the stuff..... We've got plenty of money to spend, just leave it to your sugarmommy besties"Winter said and pulled out her card along with Karina's

"God that's so gross.... But you know what? Who cares? Let's go run away where we can all be happy"NingNing said and Giselle smiled

They got into the car and immediately drove off, they passed through the front of the church where people were frantically looking for them and with danger already caused, Giselle pushed it further. She opened the window and Haechan's eyes landed on them, frozen in the spot as Giselle pulled NingNing closer and planted her lips with hers before pulling back and looking at Haechan again

"I'm sorry... But we've sacrificed enough, we deserve to be happy too"

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