(WinRina) The Question

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The day looked perfect, everything was setted up nicely and Karina looks over at her friends

"This is it... I'm finally letting loose"Karina says and Giselle nods her head, patting Karina's shoulder

"You've got this bud"Giselle reassures her and Karina breathes out a sigh


"Hey! Rina!"Winter exclaims from a distance and Karina waves her hand

Winter runs up to her with a smile and once she got closer she took a good look at Karina's face, Karina immediately avoids eye contact and smiles awkwardly as she rubs her nape

"Hey... Let's go?"Karina asks, her eyes looking everywhere else except Winter, Winter pouts before clinging onto the girl's arm

"Yeah! Let's go!"Winter excitedly says and Karina turns her head to the side before leading the way

Winter kept looking at Karina, wondering why the girl was acting so weirdly. She tries every method she could just to get the girl to look at her

She tried scaring her because she knew the girl easily gets startled but Karina didn't even bat an eyelash, she then tried to win some prizes as they were at a theme park but Karina wasn't cheering her on like usual. Usually the girl would be cheering her on from behind, screaming and getting everyone's attention but now Karina was so quiet that it was making Winter think what possibly could've happened

Eventually Winter stopped trying to get the girl's attention, as much as she hated it... If the girl wasn't giving her attention then she shouldn't be forcing her

"Thanks... I had fun today..."Winter bids and Karina's head finally turns to her

"What? We're not done yet"Karina says and Winter looks up at her

Karina immediately regrets having ignored the girl as now Winter was looking up at her, her eyes teary and Karina couldn't help but hug her

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to ignore you..."Karina says and Winter finally sobs into her arms, wrapping her hands on Karina's waist

"I thought... I d-did something... I t-thought you were m-mad..."Winter said in between sobs and Karina cooes her, patting her head gently

"I'm not mad Winter, you didn't do anything... It's just... Giselle told me to do that"Karina said and Winter's head pulls back

"Giselle? Why?"Winter asked and Karina chuckled, she wiped the girl's tears and kissed her forehead

"Let's find out, shall we?"Karina asks and Winter looks at her, confused but she follows Karina and suddenly they were in a completely isolated part of the theme park

"Did you enjoy your date?"Giselle asked and Winter glares at her, Giselle immediately laughs and hands Karina a piece of paper

"Hey, It was for a reason okay? Don't get mad at me, it was part of the plan"Giselle says and Winter looks at Karina who smiles

"Winter... You've made me feel things... The butterflies that always came to my system everytime you're around or you talk to me... The smiles I uncontrollably let out whenever I talk to you... And the love that I've always been searching for... I found myself feeling all of those things"Karina starts and Winter just stands still, her eyes land on the paper that Karina held and suddenly a big banner gets opened up behind her

"Winter... Will you let me pursue you?"

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