(NingSelle) Promises {M}

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(Requested chapter: NingSelle, Top Ning)

"Is this just how it's gonna keep going? Is it everyday that we're gonna be like this?"Giselle asked as she gets shoved by NingNing away

The two had just came back from there bestfriends wedding party, they both got tipsy and on the car ride home NingNing brings up the thought of their marriage which wasn't taken well by her partner who opposes of it as "they still had things they want to do in life"

"What? Are you tired now? You should've told me so we could've just ended this and not be fighting about all the time"NingNing exclaimed, taking out her anger as she smacks on Giselle's arm

"No! What I'm saying is it's too early for us! You've got dreams and I don't want to ruin the life that you dreamt about"Giselle replied and NingNing stopped hitting her

"I've got dreams for both of us! Not just for myself, do you think I'm selfish? Giselle every dream that I told you about we're supposed to be fulfilled by both of us not just by myself"NingNing replied Giselle sighed

"I'm sorry.... It's just....... I don't want your parents to be disappointed in me.... I promised them that I'll have you achieve your dreams---"Giselle was cut off as NingNing pulled her by the waist

"What about the things you've promised me? You keep giving me reasons that involve my parents but what about me baby?"NingNing asked, her voice getting dangerously low as she closes the gap between them

"Think about me for tonight, no parents, no promises just me, me and only me... you got that?"NingNing asked, starting to trail kisses from Giselle's jaw down to her neck

The older girl released a low groan before nodding her head in agreement, NingNing took this chance to pull theirselves to their bed before brushing off the hair that covered Giselle's face

"We can talk about our problems tommorow..... Tonight all I want to hear from you is my name, scream on top of your lungs and tell me how I do you, how I make you feel"NingNing commanded and her hand slithered down to Giselle's chest, groping the girl from outside her clothes

"Take these off, now"NingNing commanded and Giselle did as told, leaving herself bare all for NingNing as the girl did the same

"You might be older but we both know who's in charge here don't we?"NingNing asked and Giselle slowly nodded as NingNing's hand started caressing her inner thighs

"Fuck...."Giselle muttered as NingNing trailed kisses from the outside of her thigh to the inside, seemingly taking her time savouring the older girl

"Fuck foreplay, we're going hard tonight after that outburst"NingNing said and dug her tongue inside Giselle's core making the girl moan loudly, covering her mouth from the sudden noise she made as she looks down on NingNing doing her job so effortlessly yet fantastically

"God.... Why are you so good with... Ugh..... Your tongue..."Giselle asked and she felt a blow of air as NingNing pulled away

"I'm a singer Uchinaga"NingNing replied and smirked at the older girl, hovering on top of her and lubing her finger with the liquid that ran down Giselle's thigh

"Did you know we can use our fingers really.... Really well.... Specially with a mic stand?"NingNing asked and inserted one finger into Giselle which made the girl arch her back onto the mattress

"We have secret techniques, I'm sure Karina unnie has experienced it considering..... Me and Minjeong are the best student when it comes to..... Singing"NingNing said as she started moving her finger inside Giselle

NingNing watched as Giselle's face contorted into a fit of pleasure which made her pleased, adding another finger into her core and fastening the pace

"Fuck!..... NingNing!.... Aahh!"Giselle exclaimed as NingNing kept hitting that one spot, She knew that spot very well and she used it too much for her advantage

"Oh fuck.... I'm.... I-I'm cumming...."Giselle said and NingNing didn't stop, she pounded her fingers harder which immediately made the girl below her shudder as she reached her high

"You listened well, if only you're like that everyday and in every fight"NingNing said and pulled out her fingers as Giselle panted below her

"I thought none of those?"Giselle asked and NingNing chuckled

"I'm just proving a point...... Now about those promises"NingNing started and Giselle stared at her

"Let me guess, first on your list is getting married"Giselle said and NingNing stopped

"Second is getting a house for us, Third is building our family and fourth is managing your family business with me"Giselle continued and NingNing stared at her in shock

"I remember all of them baby, there was no way in earth that I'd forget those..... Now that first promise..... Should we start planning?"Giselle asked and smiled as NingNing blinked rapidly at her

"W-what?"NingNing asked

"I know this seems..... Too odd of a time but you know what? I promised your parents I wouldn't ruin your dream so I'll be there supporting you right by your side.... As your wife.... Ning Yizhou.... Marry me?"Giselle asked and NingNing started sobbing and hugged the girl

"I will.... I-I will..."

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