(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟑) the voices

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"SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN BACK ON SATURDAY" Remus muttered as he rocked backwards and forwards on his bed, "it's Sunday so where is she?"

"Go ask Dumbledore tomorrow" Sirius suggested watching his friend lose his mind.

"I won't be able to sleep"

"You sound just like her" mused James casing Remus to glare at him,

"We would have heard of something bad happened, it would have been in the paper"

Peter pointed out, "they're always covering the war in that"

"It's Sunday Pete" Sirius sighed, "there wasn't a paper today"

"Still we would have heard something" Peter continued, "Dumbledore would have told us"

"Dumbledore doesn't care" Remus muttered blankly,

"Of course does—"

"He sent them on this suicide mission!"

"It wasn't a suicide mission" James countered, "Remus I'm sure she's ok, she's probably just taken a few days off school"

"Why would she?" Remus asked, "why wouldn't she write and tell me that she's ok"

"I'm not sure... maybe she has, the letter will arrive tomorrow just you wait" Sirius smiled.

"Don't do that" Remus snapped,

"Do what?"

"Say shit that you know isn't true"

"Well you can't do anything at the moment" Peter sighed,

"Prongs if this was Lily what would you do?" Asked the boy,

"I would feel the same Moony but I can't think of anything that we can do, we'll just have to wait... I'm sorry mate"


The next day the four boys walked into the hall feeling sullen and disheartened. Remus had expected Athena to be back by Monday, taking the weekend off was one thing but missing lessons didn't seem like her.

Remus shoved his hands into his pockets as he moved over the where the girls were sitting anxiously waiting for news. They too had been worried about Athena and her absence. They'd already known that Athena was in the order so Remus had told them where she had gone however no one had any ideas to where she might be.

"Moony!" James nudged his arm rather hard as he pointed over to the teachers table. His jaw dropped to see Aurora sitting there eating her breakfast normally as if nothing had happened. Remus darted over immediately meeting the girls gaze as she looked up.

"Remus" she smiled in a forced way, "Athena isn't here"

"Where is she?" The boy asked quickly,

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now