(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟖) village greetings

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THE DAYS GREW COLDER AS SEPTEMBER DREW ON. The month always snuck past rather quickly in Athena's opinion although she didn't want it to. This year could last forever if it wanted to and she wouldn't complain. She had the feeling that nothing would be the same after it.

Non verbal magic was going to be the death of her. It seemed that she'd gotten the hang of it in the sense that she could perform magic without words yet it seemed every time she tried it she'd end up using the wrong incantation.

She wasn't entirely sure how it happened, the other day in charms she'd been trying to disarm Remus and ended up turning his hair blue which took her ten minutes to correct because she couldn't stop laughing.

Apart from that, lessons had been going alright. Divination was a bore and defence against the dark arts was extremely weird but fun in a way.

Good news came towards the end of the fourth week back on the final days of September.

She'd been going to bed on the Friday night when an owl tapped loudly in the window. The rest of the girls were asleep meaning it was Athena who had to see to the owl. However she had the feeling it was for her anyway. Something about the Sinistra's owls was that they preferred not to deliver post at breakfast with the other owls.

As she pulled back the blue velvet curtains she noticed that it was indeed for her. Quoa (the family owl) was seated on the window ledge, a letter tied around her ankle.

Athena opened the window and let the owl in. She immediately flew over to the jar of peanuts beside Rena's bed and helped herself to them.

Athena laughed quietly, making sure not to wake the other girls, as she untied the letter from around the owls leg and opened it up.

She recognised the swirling neat writing of her sister immediately as her eyes grazed over the words.


I have a day off tomorrow and I heard it was a Hogsmede weekend,
Meet me in the village outside of the three broomsticks?
I'm sure you don't have much else to be doing.
Anyway I presume we have a lot to catch up on.


Athena smiled happily to hear from her sister. Since she hadn't confided in her friends about what was happening to her, she'd been waiting to hear from Aurora impatiently. Aurora was someone she always confided in even if that was only a one way street.

Athena let Quoa fly back out into the night air happily without a response. Rory obviously hadn't expected one anyway. Asking her to Hogsmede wasn't really a request, her sister knew that Athena would show up. Especially after all that had happened.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now