(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟓) fights and futures

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ATHENA'S EYES FELT HEAVY AS SHE TRIED TO OPEN THEM, the air around her smelt different and as she blinked a few times she realised why. She was still in the Gryffindor dorms. The girl could feel Sirius' arms around her as he breathed deeply.

The sun was shining through the drapes and casting a red light over their skin. She wasn't sure what time it was but Athena knew that she didn't want to move. She felt extremely comfortable lying here against Sirius.

Anyway, it was a Sunday. She relished in the idea of this. Revision was pushed to the back of her mind as he eyes drifted shut again.

"Sirius?" She heard from outside the hangings. Her eyes snapped open again. She hadn't thought of that.

Fair enough her plans had never been complete as the girl hadn't considered what would happen in the morning. James, Remus and Peter were bound to all be awake by now. After all it was well known that Sirius was usually the one to sleep in.

Everyone knew that Rena and Sirius were dating so she guessed it wasn't that weird for them to find her here however she didn't want them to get the wrong idea. She also didn't know how they'd react to knowing she'd been in here all night, Peter had been snoring very loudly after all.

"Sirius?" The voice called again. Rena knew it was James. He probably had some plans with Sirius whether that meant pranking or taking the piss out of Snape, Athena wasn't sure.

Athena sat up hoping that her shadow wasn't reflected on the drapes. She shook the boys arm lightly and saw his eyes open hazily,

"What's going on" he murmured groggily as he too sat up. His hair was messed around his head causing Rena to smile.

It seemed his memories came back to him as he rubbed his eyes and heard James' voice again.

"Mate you need to get up, we have those career meetings today... you're one of the first ones"

Athena gasped suddenly, she'd forgotten about the career meetings. Every fifth year students had them before exams to know what to focus the most on and also to begin to think about NEWT choices.

"Right I'm awake" Sirius replied as he sleepily rested his forehead against Rena's shoulder,

"I don't want to go to this meeting" he yawned, running his hands up her arms and causing her to laugh lightly.

"It's just McGonagall" Athena murmured, "can't be that bad"

They did the meetings in alphabetical order which meant hers was in the afternoon,
"True but I have no idea what I'm doing" he shrugged as he picked up a shirt that was lying beside his bed and pulled it over himself.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now