(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟖) happy new year

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REMUS HAD GONE HOME THE DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS. However it wasn't long before Athena would see him again. James' new year party was creeping up and Athena couldn't be happier about it. She enjoyed the holidays but with her parents working over them and Aurora caught up in her training work, it was rather hard to enjoy.

She'd spent the morning of new year with her family. They'd eaten dinner (smaller than the one they'd had on Christmas) and talked about how this year was going to be better.

Everyone always said that. Every year they'd make a list of things that they wanted to achieve and in reality they had no intention of sticking to them. They'd gone round the table and read out their resolutions for 1977. This was a Sinistra tradition that happened every year, it was annoying but Athena was used to it.

They were usually something along the lines of, work harder, lose weight, drink more water, get up earlier and so on. Auroras this year was to get a job at Hogwarts. Athena hoped her sister didn't become a teacher before she left, she couldn't imagine Aurora teaching her astronomy while she was still at school.

When it was Athena's turn she just said that she wanted to pass her apparition test which wasn't a lie. After all the lessons hadn't been going that well, no one had actually succeeded in apparating yet.

However in the back of her head her mind spoke to her as it always did.

Tell Remus you're in love with him.

That was her real resolution even if she knew there was no way she'd ever be able to build up the confidence to tell him this, it would just have to be pushed onto next year like every other resolution she'd ever had.

As the thought of her best friend entered her mind her hand automatically moved to fit around the pendant of her locket. She'd placed the picture into it a few days ago and had been obsessed with it ever since.

Of course it just felt like a normal heartbeat. It was faint against her touch but she could feel it there. Weirdly, it comforted her just remembering that he was out there too.

She'd stopped herself from holding it on the night of the 30th of December as she knew this had been the full moon.

She'd stared at it outside her window. It was so beautiful and she'd used to love it, staring at it, dreaming about it. Now she stared at it and wished that it wouldn't bring so much pain and worry.

Athena had left the golden locket on her beside table, unable to reach it because she knew if she did she'd be filled with anxiety immediately.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now