(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟕) gryffindor vs ravenclaw

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ATHENA LOVED THE LIBRARY, to be fair her common room was practically a library itself but something about sitting in the large room next to the large windows and the millions of books comforted Athena more than the common room could.

Unfortunately none of her friends loved studying. Remus sometimes joined her as they would sit by the largest window and either read or pour over text books, completing scrolls of homework however that wasn't really Mary's thing therefore Remus wasn't here either.

Her hope usually lay in Lily however today she was off taking a bath in the prefects bathroom which was apparently the nicest bathroom she'd ever seen in her life. Unfortunately you could only get in if you knew the password and despite Remus being rather lenient on his prefect duties, even he wouldn't divulge it.

Athena wouldn't have necessarily minded being alone in the library, it was quiet whether you were with someone or not and it wasn't as though you could talk. In fact maybe it would have been better if she was alone.

Despite this as she sat in the library by the large window ,scribbling down notes about thestrals, she was joined by the member of the marauders who she knew the least.

Peter Pettigrew.

Athena had known Peter for four and a bit years now but she still didn't feel as though she actually knew Peter.

He was shorter than the other marauders but still only slightly shorter than Athena and he always seemed to wear clothes that were a bit too big for him.

His hair was overgrown in blonde curls that shielded his forehead. His eyes were small and a shade of muddy brown. A lot of the time he kept his hands hidden in his sleeves for 'warmth' however as Athena watched him complete his homework she noticed he had long fingers with bitten down nails.

Peter was one of those people who completely rested their head down on the table as they wrote, almost as though they were asleep. The only other person that Athena knew did that was Remus however he still managed to maintain neat sloping handwriting whereas Peters looked more like a scrawl.

"What work are you doing?" Athena asked in interest having finished her scroll on thestrals. She still didn't like the black horses very much considering what they reminded her of, she also didn't like the fact that no one else could see them.

"Charms homework" Peter replied while anxiously looking around to see whether Madame Pince was watching over her beak like nose as she usually did. Madame Pince was the librarian and she prided nothing more over the library remaining completely silent.

"I forgot we had charms homework" Athena continued not really giving a care to whether Madame Pince was listening or not, after all it was a Sunday they weren't exactly disturbing anyone because no one else wanted to do homework.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now