(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟔) the slug club

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DECEMBER CAME AROUND FASTER THAN ATHENA HAD EXPECTED, this means that there were Christmas decorations everywhere and about ten giant trees lining the great hall brought in curtesy of Hagrid. This year Athena wasn't spending Christmas at James', it had been fun last year however she wanted to spend it with her family. Instead, the Potter's were throwing a party for new year which Athena would definitely be attending.

Christmas was a good time of the year however Athena didn't love it as much as some people. She appreciated the festive spirits, cozy nights by the fire and the hope that snow would fall however she didn't see the hype everyone gave it. Despite this, the girl was definitely excited to see her family. It may have only been four months but it felt like years since she'd seen her parents.

This year in the secret Santa, Athena had drawn out Lily which she was rather happy about. Marlene had been pestering her for weeks about who she had and even admitted she she had gotten James. The blonde didn't appreciate the fact that it was supposed to be a secret. However the group never really stuck to this, they always admitted on Christmas Day who'd they had. It made it better to know who the gift came from.

Athena had gotten Lily some new stationary (since the girl had a weird obsession with it) as well as a new book, her favourite sweets and a cute floral blouse that had reminded Athena of her. She believed she'd done rather well this year if she did say so herself. Of course they'd have to do the gift giving before they went home for the holidays. Lily had suggested doing it at new year but apparently Marlene couldn't wait that long.

On the 17th of December (which happened to be a Thursday) Athena received a note that she definitely hadn't been expecting. Lily, James and Marlene also received them and at first Athena had absolutely no idea what this could be about. She frowned as Lily and James rolled their eyes.

"What is it?" She asked,

"Oh... Rena's got one" Marlene pointed out, "you don't usually get one"

"Get what" Rena sighed as she unfolded the note.

Turns out it was an invitation. Written in very small green handwriting it asked Athena (in a very long and boring fashion) if she could attended Slughorn's annual Christmas party.

"The slug club" Lily explained,

"Oh yeah" Athena muttered, she'd heard of this club loads considering three of her friends were in it yet she'd never been invited. Her sister had been apart of it before she left which told Athena that she didn't really want to be involved.

"How'd you get an invite?" Sirius asked questioningly.

"I don't know" Athena lied, "why are you all in it again?"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now