(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟓) don't panic

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ATHENA COULDN'T HELP BUT BE VERY AWARE THAT THIS WAS THE LAST YEAR SHE WAS ATTENDING HOGWARTS. She didn't want this to be all she could think about for the entire year, if that was the case then she would just be worrying rather than actually enjoying herself.

Aurora was still training at Hogwarts this year, in fact she would be until Professor Calypso retired (which wouldn't be long judging by the look of her). The astronomy teacher had been around for years, even teaching Athena's parents.

She'd travelled to King's Cross on her own again, apperating in a desolate car park about ten minutes walk away. Athena hated the feeling of apparition but didn't want to use floo powder as this meant she couldn't run through the barrier.

Going through the barrier between the muggle world and the wizarding world had been one of Athena's favourite things as a child and now she wouldn't be able to do it anymore. The idea that in a year she'd be done with Hogwarts for good was insane, after all this school had become her home.

She pushed her trolley through the crowded station, ignoring the passers by staring at Loki who was hooting in his cage. Athena kept her head down and focused on her shoes which shone in the light coming in through the windows.

The barrier between nine and ten was almost desolate, Athena was late (no surprise there). The clock hanging above it read five to eleven giving her only five minutes to get herself in order. With two hands firmly placed on the trolley, she broke into a brisk walk with her eyes fixated on the bricks in front of her.

Usually she'd shut her eyes or look the other way to avoid seeming obvious or to avoid the fear that one day the brick was going to be solid. Yet in a swift movement she saw the brick melt away as though it had been made of smoke or merely a projection.

Yells and laughs of students and parents filled her ears along with the loud sound of the train whistle. The Hogwarts express was a large and impressive train currently billowing steam that arose in clouds before disappearing into thin air.

Athena placed her trolley in a rack carrying a dozen others before lugging her heavy trunk off the metal and grabbing Loki's cage in her remaining free hand. She wished she didn't have so many possessions that were required, maybe if she'd performed that extension charm she might have been able to take a smaller trunk.

The train kicked into motion almost the second after she stepped on, the doors clicked shut and she let out a breath of relief that she'd arrived on time. Now the next problem was finding her friends.

Athena turned her head down the corridor, trying not to fall over due to the uneven movements of the engine. She couldn't grip onto the wall for support and instead nearly stumbled down the corridor looking into each carriage as she went.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now