(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏) kings cross

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ATHENA WAS WALKING WITH QUICKENED PACE as they approached the barrier between platforms nine and ten. Her sister wasn't far behind her, wearing her new shiny 'Head Girl' badge pinned to the smart looking jumper she donned.

Athena was nothing like her sister, she wasn't one for looking smart. They were both Ravenclaw's and looked rather similar but after that the similarities stopped. Aurora Sinistra was the crown jewel of the family, getting perfect grades and being perfectly perfect.

The younger sister felt no resentment towards Aurora, she didn't want to be like her. Athena was perfectly happy being herself. Her parents loved them both the same but her father arguably loved Athena more because she was so much like him.

Henry and Mary Sinistra had both attended Hogwarts, they had both been placed in Ravenclaw house and they had fallen in love in their fifth year at school. Henry was from a muggle family while Mary was from a halfblood. This made Athena a halfblood herself.

Athena was incredibly intelligent but she tended to channel this intelligence into creativity rather than solely focusing on academics like her sister. She enjoyed painting, writing, poetry but above all else : sketching.

The girl was gifted there was no denying that.

"Athena you go first" Mary told her youngest daughter as they arrived outside of the barrier.

The brunette nodded before steadying her hands on the trolley.

She didn't have too many bags, other than that the only thing sitting in the trolley was her owl (Loki) who she'd named after the mythological god of mischief.

Her feet began to speed up as she pretended to examine the muggle train that had just pulled into the station (an easy way to draw attention away from oneself). Her vision was fixated onto the train until she couldn't see it anymore.

The atmosphere around her changed, she gazed around to see that she was now standing on the famous magical platform 9 and 3/4. The ruby red steam train was sitting waiting for eleven to strike however that was still ten minutes away.

Steam billowed out of the top of it as Athena looked around to the crowds of people (parents and children) waiting to board the train. Voices could be heard over squeaks and squawks of the animals accompanying students.

Loki was a rather calm owl, he had jet black feathers and always retained a rather judgemental look on his face as he twisted his head round to look at everyone.
Athena waited by the opening of the platform for her family but as she did so her eyes skirted around the platform hoping she might catch sight of one of her friends.

Next thing she knew, Aurora had arrived beside her with her own trolley that seemed to have a lot more bags piled up on top of it. She was carrying her cat (Perywinkle) very carefully as she was still young (having been a present for the girl becoming head girl).

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now