(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟔) lily and james

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JAMES AND LILY WERE A SYMPHONY OF EVERYTHING RIGHT WITH THE WORLD. For a while they had been miles apart (much to James' dismay) yet now as 1979 was approaching it was weird to believe that they weren't always together.

They matched perfectly, correlating every move and it seemed the other could always predict their lovers movements or words. The phrase 'finish each other's sentences' is often overused and turned into a cliche for soppy couples with soppy dreams but in this case it fit perfectly.

In no way were they similar people. James was a forest fire of careless laughter and often very arrogant decisions. Lily was the definition of a motherly friend, best at advice and always someone to turn to no matter the problem.

While James was reckless and prone to breaking things, Lily was sensible and brilliant at fixing things. This was possibly the reason why they merged so well together.

Lily and James had first met in 1971 on the Hogwarts express. Lily had been new to the world of magic, scared of what she might experience and also pining after the lost relationship that had sunk between her and her sister.

This all led to her sitting with her newly found friend Snape (disgusting I know) while trying to explain why falling out with Petunia was so bad in the first place. Snape was at least seventy percent of the reason for it happening, he'd ripped the sisters apart and loved every second of it.

To be fair, Petunia wasn't a good person. This was evident in a lot of things however her main one was the fact that she never accepted Lily and proceeded to call her a freak any opportunity that she got.

James and Sirius had happened to stumble into that compartment which prompted James' new desire for the auburn haired girl with the almond shaped green eyes and freckled face. At this point he was often isolated in having such dedication to one girl (however this may just be due to the fact that his best friend was Sirius Black).

If James hadn't sat in that compartment he still would have fallen sooner or later. The fact was that James and Lily were written in the stars. There was no better way to describe it, at least not in Athena's opinion.

They has been destined since day one but it wasn't exactly an easy process getting there. Lily had hated James, a lot. James never really understood why she possessed so much loathing towards him yet it was quite obviously right under his nose.

James was obnoxious and often rather cruel. It was hard to imagine for those he treated nicely. Athena had never been backhanded by one of his mean spells of pranks and confrontations.

He'd grown out of his child like demeanour and was now slightly more mature and a whole lot kinder. He didn't change for Lily but the differences were definitely noted by the girl.

Lily was often seen as perfect. She was like an angel, always kind, not too shy but also not too rowdy. In fact many people wanted to be like her. Athena remembered many occasions when she lay in her bed that she imagined whether life would be easier if she was more like Evans.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now