(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑) the couple who were always meant to be

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IT SEEMED FITTING THAT THE DAY OF LILY AND JAMES' WEDDING was one greeted by sunshine. Athena could already see the delightful weather before she even opened the curtains. Light pooled onto the white sheets of her bed transformed by the pale pink of her curtains.

The rose light against her skin was the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes and for some reason she connected this to the feeling that it was going to be a good day. Of course the idea of Lily and James' wedding was already enough to confirm that they'd be having a good time but this just amplified her idea.

Remus was asleep beside her, eyelashes fluttering while his eyes remained shut. She always complained when she woke up to him watching her sleep however now she realised how addicting it was. He looked so beautiful and peaceful without the riddling concern in his features.

His hair was softer in the light and she could see the travelling scars working up from underneath his t shirt. Athena decided to stop staring at him like a lovesick teenager as she pushed back the covers and mulled down the stairs towards the kitchen.

She'd been made a bridesmaid by Lily along with Dorcas. Lily had asked Kennedy to be one too but in the kindest way possible Kennedy declined. The idea of Kennedy walking down an isle in a dusty pink dress was something Athena couldn't imagine and she wasn't sure she wanted to.

Lily had never intended on making Kennedy a bridesmaid (not because she didn't consider her a close friend). Kennedy wasn't bridesmaid material. Lily had planned on having three bridesmaids and one maid of honour however Mary had gone and ruined those plans from trying to murder Athena.

Lily's only other option had been her sister however considering Petunia had declined the invitation to actually attended the wedding, she knew there was no hope of her accepting the idea of bridesmaid. Lily wasn't upset by this, she never especially got on with her sister even before she found out she was a witch.

Athena had looked at the dress she was going to wear many times but it seemed to get more beautiful with every gaze. The dark pink was constructed from a soft fabric that cinched at the waist and flowed ever so slightly around the legs.

The necklines were simple, there were no decorations on the garment so not to take any attention away from the bride. Athena had never loved the way pink looked on her however this dress was making her change her mind.

She couldn't be happier for her two close friends. Their story had forced her to believe in true love and soulmates. Of course she liked to think that her and Remus were soulmates but something about the story of Lily and James was even more romantic.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now