(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟖) pick me up parties

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ATHENA DECIDED THAT TIME WENT TOO QUICKLY FOR HER LIKING, This was because May was here. MAY. Yesterday had been January and now the school year was almost over. Completely incomprehensible in her mind. As well as that she felt as though she'd spent most of her sixth year (also known as the supposedly most fun year) working.

End of year exams weren't that important yet she'd been so stressed about keeping up to date with everything. As sixth year began the final stretch, she decided that she should stress less. Not that this was an easy thing for her to achieve. By telling yourself to stress less, you'll probably end up stressing more. Mainly because it gives your mind the opportunity to focus on stress.

At least that's what Athena had found throughout her years of living with anxiety. Sometimes it was bad, sometimes it was worse and sometimes she'd find herself in the middle of a breakdown completely forgetting what it was she was supposed to be stressing about.

Despite the upcoming exams, Gryffindor's had been throwing quite a few parties. Athena didn't complain that they weren't the raging success that the quidditch victory one had been as they were still decent.

What made everything better in Athena's mind was the fact that Kennedy was hanging around with the group a lot more than she'd previously done (which was never). Athena definitely hadn't seen this development coming as the Slytherin stigma was an idea that formed in a lot of Gryffindor's minds (sometimes they didn't even realise they were thinking it).

All of the group (maybe except for Sirius) had treated Kennedy like anyone else. They'd forgotten their previous convictions of her being a death eater and got on with her well. After all Kennedy wasn't a difficult person to get on with.

Exams were in May and Athena only had one for each subject. Five exams wasn't bad at all, she wasn't sure why'd she'd been so worried. Divination was a bunch of shit but other than that she'd done solid. Athena had to produce a patronus charm in defence against the dark arts and therefore had to see the silvery wolf running round the room leading her to her next worry.

Remus. She was beginning to think that he should pay rent to her mind for how much time he spent in there. When Athena wasn't thinking about work, her strange life regarding the prophecy or her failing attempts to stop stressing... she was thinking of Remus.

Most importantly whether liking him was a curse or a blessing. Based on the opinions she'd had from those she'd told, there had been mixed reviews. The most positive from Finch (or technically Archer although she didn't like to dwell on that) the most negative from Aurora, no surprise there.

The main question was whether he liked her in return. Sometimes (when her confidence peaked) she imagined herself walking right up to him and just asking, or telling him how she felt about him. Athena had found that the best way to get a solid answer out of someone is to tell them your opinion first.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now