(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟒) plans and apologies

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NO ONE ASKED ABOUT MARY'S FREAKOUT IN DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS, the girl had been quieter but she seemed ok. Remus didn't talk about it either, he spent a lot more time with the brunette and always seemed to be comforting her whenever Athena saw them.

Athena had no plans over the weekend except to revise, in fact she'd even written out a schedule concerning what she wanted to get done. However as she woke up on Saturday morning she saw Loki sitting impatiently in the dorm room window with a note attached to his leg.

Athena yawned as she pushed herself out of bed, it was around nine in the morning which was although later than she would usually get up on a weekday, was still too early in her eyes.

The other three girls she shared a dorm room were still asleep, or their hangings were closed. Athena presumed that Claire might actually be in the library.
She opened the large window and let Loki hop onto the ledge.

The weather outside was beautiful, the sun shone over the grass and the sky was a perfect shade of blue. Athena wished that she could take advantage of this and have a nice day by the lake with the group however she knew all of that would have to wait until the holidays.

She untied the note from Loki's leg and moved to her beside table where she had a packet of peanuts sitting purely to feed Loki with.
The bird took the nut gratefully before spreading his black feathery wings and fly back over to the owlery.

Meet me in the great hall at half nine

Athena raised her eyebrows at the note, her and Rory had barely seen each other or talked since Easter. Her sister had been acting rather childish however Athena premised that she'd been saying that same about her.

What surprised her the most was the way she'd signed the letter off. Rory. She hadn't used that name for herself in years, probably since she was eleven.

Rena always called her Rory because she thought it was sweet and because usually it annoyed her.

The girl presumed immediately that Aurora felt bad about the argument they'd been having. Athena had half a mind to not show up, after all exams began on the fourteenth of May which was only a few weeks away.

Despite this she didn't want to be petty, or hypocritical plus she relished in any opportunity to avoid revising.

Therefore she got changed quickly and dashed down to the great hall.

The corridors were practically empty as she dashed down the stone staircases. It was a Hogsmede trip day, Athena had decided against going in order to study however she presumed Aurora would probably drag her down as usual.

Her sister was standing by the large doors looking as sophisticated as ever. Athena envied how she managed to get her hair so sleek, Rena preferred having curly hair however sometimes as she saw her sister she wished she could look that put together. After all she had always looked up to her sister.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now