(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟎) invitations

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REMUS LEFT THE NEXT DAY, before the previous night Athena would have relished in this however now she wished they'd made up sooner.
It was hard watching the full moon and knowing exactly what was happening to him, knowing how much pain he was in without his friends to stay by him.

The only thought that she could keep in her mind was the idea that they were friends again. However the over looming anxiety coming over them was the fact that she hadn't told him the truth about the fire.

Sirius had told her that Remus wouldn't look at her any different but in that moment when she was next to him and everything felt good again, she didn't want to ruin it. Therefore she hadn't told him and she wasn't sure if she ever could.

The next day after the moon she'd received a bit of post.

She firstly got a postcard from Marlene and Dorcas, on the front was a picture of the Eiffel Tower shining in the late morning sun.

It read

Rena !!

Having an amazing time in Paris the shoes here are amaze and the fashion is incredible i defo want to live here one day.

Marls loved the school Beauxbatons, she said Hogwarts is better but I'm not sure... they have a huge fountain and gorgeous uniforms sooo...

Hope you're not having a completely shit Easter and I'll see you soon.

Dorcas and Marls xxx

She was glad and only slightly jealous to here that they were having such an amazing time. They'd always been great friends but recently Athena had been wondering whether they might be something more. After all Athena knew that Dorcas was crazy about Marlene.

The other post she got was a letter,


I know you said your Easter was going to be completely shite but as always I'm here to save the day.

Mum says you can stay here, Remus is coming at some point I asked Lily and Mary but they said no (Mary's away and Lily was never going to come on her own)

Obviously I invited Sirius but I've received no reply, doubt he even got the letter.
Come whenever and you're welcome !!


Athena read it over a few times before she felt her heart explode with joy. To be fair she hadn't been having a terrible time. Her sister was being a pain but her parents were being decent and they hadn't argued with Rena as of yet.

However the idea that she could spend time with her friends was a lot better than the proposal of her sitting alone doing work out of boredom.

"Dad!" Rena called as she strode into the living room brandishing the letter, "I'm going to James' "

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now