(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟒) werewolf

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REMUS HAD LEFT DURING THE DAY, he seemed more tired than ever with purple shadows under his eyes and chapped lips that he pressed against the back of his hands.

No one could blame him for feeling the way he did, it must be awful knowing that his mother probably didn't have very much longer to live.

However as the day came that Remus left the school, Athena's plan in her mind fell into place. Tonight she would sneak along to the Gryffindor common room and attempt to follow the marauders in order to see where they disappeared off to.

Things hadn't been brilliant between her and Sirius the day after they had the argument. It seemed the boy wanted to forget it all happened but he also wouldn't say a word about it. Athena hadn't expected an apology because she knew the boy still believe he was right but a small part of her had still hoped for one.

They'd sat next to each other in divination but didn't say a word as they stared pitifully into the crystal ball. Maybe it was because Athena's mind was so full of thoughts and worries but she didn't see anything in the many wisps of white smoke floating around within it.

Athena didn't like fighting with the boy in fact she hated it. Being around Sirius always cheered her up in a way, just holding his hand or knowing he was there for her would always make her feel better.

She may be a lot less childish than the boy but she also wasn't planning on being the 'bigger person' in this situation. Sirius may believe that he hadn't done anything wrong but Athena knew that she'd been in the right even if the boy didn't want to accept that.

Lessons seemed to drag on that day and the marauders gave Athena an odd look as she chose to sit at the Ravenclaw table at dinner. She wasn't deliberately being petty she just felt as though Sirius wouldn't have wanted her there anyway.

Tessa and Tommy had engaged in some argument about the 'Chudly Cannons' leaving Athena to eat her dinner in silence.

She pulled her hangings around the four poster bed as she would usually do however she sat fully clothed on top of the sheets waiting for the right time.

She flicked through the pages of her book to keep her entertained as the time came.

The light of the silvery full moon shone through the drapes as she closed her book and listened carefully for the soft sound of snoring. When she was sure the girls were asleep, she slipped out of her bed and made her way out of the dormitory carefully shutting the hangings again so if the girls woke up they'd believe she was still in there.

She was grateful for her warm jumper and jeans as she paced across the cold common room and into the even colder corridors, it was February after all.

Her feet made barely any sound as she continued to walk.

Athena had decided on doing a disillusionment charm on herself but she'd have to pick the right moment as she wasn't sure it would last very long given her still progressing magical ability.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now