(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟒) beneath the surface

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NOT EVEN A WEEK LATER AND ATHENA found herself sat curled on James' sofa with her head rested on Dorcas' shoulder. She had a glass of rum and coke in her hand and was taking small sips as she watched James dramatically recreate the fight they'd been a part of in Paris.

"And then I was like don't touch my fiancé you dick" James called and I kneed him right in the balls before I hit him with a conjunctivitis curse"

"It was rather impressive" Lily smirked passively.

Marlene was laying out the photos she'd had developed over the carpeted floor carefully so that Sirius could see them.
"Why don't they move?" Sirius asked, leaning over Marlene's shoulder,

"It's a muggle camera you knob-head" Marlene sniggered.

"Ooh look at that!" Dorcas called, picking up one of the pictures. It was a photo of her posing in front of the Eiffel Tower, "I could be a model"

"Alright miss modest" Peter smirked as she placed the picture down.

"Pete you would have loved the bakery" Marlene gushed, "it had the best croissants I'd ever tasted"

"Don't" Peter groaned, "you'll make me jealous"

"Is Kennedy not coming at all?" Athena asked absentmindedly. Mary and Kennedy were the only ones absent. Apparently Mary was sick but Athena didn't believe that for a second, not that she was complaining.

"Nah she won't leave the apartment" Sirius shrugged, "she's alright though, just a bit hungover I assume"

"You lot need to stop inventing drinking games" James scoffed,

"You'll thank me at your next party" Sirius shrugged.

"Whose birthday is next anyway?" Marlene asked,

"Mine obviously" James rolled his eyes, "the big one nine"

"More like nine, the way you act" Athena scoffed.

"Woah woah woah" James smirked, "I did not ask to be attacked"

Everyone laughed and Athena turned to look at Remus. He was staring at the bottom of his empty glass as though expecting it to fill up on its own.

Athena felt as though they had made some progress from last week however he still wasn't himself. The problem was that Athena couldn't tell whether this was something to do with the two of them or simply having being placed under the cruciartus curse.

"We went up the tower" Marlene explained, "that's the view"

"That's... ah god I need to go to Paris" Sirius sighed,

"Yeah you do" James smirked, "we'll all go back together Padfoot"

"We better" Peter smiled, "I need to try those croissants"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now