(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟐) tensions

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"SHE'S ALLOWED TO KISS ANYONE SHE FEELS LIKE" Marlene stated indignantly as she walked through the courtyard with Athena, "in fact I couldn't care less who she ... does things with"

"Then why are you still pissed with her?" Athena frowned.

It had been a week since Marlene's party and tensions between the two prior best friends were raging particularly high.

"Because she did it on my birthday" Marlene huffed as she pushed her hair back, "she knew how excited I was... and she left it ... and lied about being sick"

"I told you Marls" Athena sighed, "she didn't lie about being sick I just presumed she must have been"

"Still" the girl continued, "I would never ditch her party to go snog someone"

"Well ... you weren't exactly at your own party" Athena muttered.

"What do you mean?" Marlene asked as she turned sharply in Rena's direction,

"Well... you were snogging that guy anyway, you didn't notice she'd left until later"

"I knew you'd take her side" Marlene raged, "everyone always agrees with her

"That's not true" Athena sighed in exasperation as she grabbed hold of Marlene's arm to stop her from storming off, "I'm not on anyone's side, frankly I think you're both being stupid"

"Thanks a lot Rena" Marlene huffed, "I have training now so you can go complain about me to Dorcas" she added bitterly.

"Wait" Athena grabbed her arm again, "aren't we going to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" The blonde girl snapped as she glared at Rena,

"You... kissing a boy"

"What about it?" She murmured softly, avoiding eye contact with her friend,

"Marls I know how smart you are, please don't play dumb"

"I don't know why I did it" Marlene blurted out, "I was drunk it didn't mean anything... now can we leave it there?"

"Yeah whatever you want" Athena frowned, "look Marls I love you... let's not fight over this"

"Ok" Marlene shrugged, "I suppose I love you too"

Marlene walked the other way with her hair flowing like a sheet of golden paper. Athena wondered whether she'd told the truth about the boy, Athena knew the girl had drank quite a bit however her mind was telling her that there was more to it.

She hated when people within their group of friends fell out, she realised now what it must have been like for everyone when her and Remus had stopped talking. It felt as though there was an invisible wrench preventing some sort of harmonious conversation, always an over lingering thought that something was wrong.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now