(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟗) neville longbottom

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ATHENA DECIDED NOT TO BRING UP THE SPY SITUATION WHEN THEY GOT BACK HOME. She wanted to avoid an argument since she was feeling completely broken.

It really felt final, saying goodbye to Lily and James. It really felt like she wasn't going to see them again and she wasn't sure whether she could cope with that. They wouldn't be there for Harry's first Christmas, they wouldn't be able to celebrate turning twenty one as a group.

It was beginning to sink in even further. The truth of it all, Athena was starting to not just realise that Lily and James were going to die, but beginning to see what they would be leaving behind.

Athena had of course relied on her friends to get her through it however now with Remus and Sirius arguing as though they had never been friends at all, Athena couldn't imagine it going back to normal after all this. Especially if the spy was still a mystery.

She didn't say anything to Remus at all and he seemed to understand. He was probably feeling the same. The hope that Athena had given him wasn't definite. There was still a possibility in his mind that Lily and James wouldn't make it. Athena just didn't have this hope at all. Maybe no hope was better than false hope, Athena just didn't see it that way.

The girl collapsed into bed still dressed. It wasn't even night. The sun was still shining but she clamped her eyes closed and pretended to be asleep so that Remus didn't see her crying. She presumed he would still realise the mindset that she was in. Athena was usually open about these things but now she didn't want to upset Remus anymore than she had done.

Yet Athena could not get her mind off the encounter that had just happened, the argument between Remus and Sirius. It had been so harsh, the words like daggers flying vindictively through the air as though the throwers didn't mind where they landed.

Athena hadn't expected Remus to retaliate the way that he did. She agreed that it was hypocritical the way that Sirius had reacted. Claiming that Remus was a bad friend for connecting him to his family when he proved long ago that he was nothing like them.

However the case was exactly the same with Remus. He'd proven to the marauders since first year that being a werewolf didn't change him, it didn't make him a danger to them. The boy was occasionally aggressive but not to the point where he'd be a death eater. The idea was ridiculous.

The marauders had always been Remus' support. They'd made him believe that he could be loved despite who he was. They'd help him accept it, overcome it and be more than the wolf and now Sirius was throwing it back in his face as though he'd never even cared.

Athena didn't know what to think. She didn't think it was Sirius or Kennedy but she knew that it wasn't Remus. There was a difference. She'd bet her life on it not being Remus but she couldn't be fully sure about the other two. She wanted to believe that it wasn't them but how could she be certain?

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now