(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟕) some things never change

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MARLENE'S FUNERAL WAS A NICE SEND OFF. That's what everyone said. Athena wanted to punch them when they said it, no send off was nice especially when Marlene had been ripped from them before she could even turn twenty one.

The funeral wasn't bad it was just terribly hard to get through. Lily and James had begged to be allowed to come but they couldn't place enough enchantments over the church, nor could they know whether a death eater would show up (one who didn't have to keep their identity hidden).

In conclusion it was too dangerous and Lily was furious about this. She'd conveyed this in the many letters she'd wrote to Athena begging her to say something to Dumbledore, pleading her to figure something out. Lily wanted to say goodbye to her best friend and it was bullshit that this wasn't allowed.

However the worst part was that Athena couldn't do anything about it. She felt guilty even though this wasn't her fault but she really wished that she could so something to help Lily. She couldn't imagine how it must feel to be trapped in your own home, knowing that you'd be placed in danger by stepping out the front door.

However Athena described the funeral in detail to Lily. It was very hard to relive it through writing. Truthfully Athena just wanted to go home and forget all about it but this wasn't an option. She explained who had been there, what the church had looked like, described the speeches and even almost managed to write Dorcas' out in full.

The funeral had been joint with Marlene, her parents and her three siblings. Dorcas had been pissed by this since Marlene's family had never truly supported her. When Dorcas made her speech placing the love she had felt for Marlene into words, a lot of people who had been friends of the Mckinnon's raised their eyebrows in surprise which made Athena wanted to curse them.

Dorcas was a wreck of course but her speech had been beautiful. Athena had cried during this. She had been trying to keep it together before that but once Dorcas started pouring out these metaphors about how she felt, Athena felt as though she had been stabbed straight through the heart.

Athena wanted to see Lily again. She wanted to hug her and tell her that everything would get better, that things would seem bad now but they'd improve. Basically Athena wanted to lie because these lies were starting to become her comfort. Maybe they were actually helping to comfort others as well as herself but Athena couldn't deny that her motives had become slightly selfish. Seeing the hope in others eyes almost ignited some in herself.

February was the most boring month ever experienced. January had been worse but not because it was dull, the opposite if anything. Athena never liked the early months in the year, they were always burdened with expectations that things would get better.

This year, Athena hadn't fooled herself with the pretence that things would be better. How could she when she knew exactly what was coming? However she could tell others had.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now