(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑𝟐) sirius' mistake

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ATHENA SAT BY REMUS' BED ALL MORNING. She'd taken a book out of her bag which happened to be the book Sirius had gotten her for Christmas. She'd cherished it a lot, in fact it had become her favourite possession. Now she tried not to cloud her judgement of the book based on how she felt towards Sirius.

The hospital wing was quiet. Madame Pomfrey came and checked on the two boys every once in a while. James was still asleep however Athena had caught a glimpse of his injury as the matron removed the dressing. She'd managed to heal it rather well however injuries inflicted by werewolves or other magical creatures were hard to heal entirely.

She liked the calming atmosphere that the room provided. Madame Pomfrey was fine with having her stay by Remus' side. Rena was being quiet after all, she flicked through the pages of the aged book and tried to concentrate on the words without her emotions slipping into her brain.

The Great Gatsby was a book she'd read numerous times, that's why Sirius had bought her the first edition. However now she'd lost her place, she wasn't sure what was going on as the words seemed to be jumbling together. She didn't like this, all this stress and worry.

It was the afternoon before Remus showed any sign of waking up. Madame Pomfrey provided Rena with a sandwich which she was incredibly grateful for having missed breakfast. As she ate, she heard the soft rustling of sheets and looking up to see the soft brown eyes of Remus' opening slowly.

He blinked a few times before turning and looking at Rena, his gaze fell from the look on her face to the book in her hands and he smiled lightly,

"First edition" he laughed quietly, "it's incredibly hard to get you know"

"Yeah I know Sirius told me" Athena nodded feeling bitter even by saying the name,

"Yes because Sirius is so great at buying presents" Remus laughed.

"What are you on about?" Rena frowned as the boy sat up, grabbing the shirt beside his bed and pulling it over himself.

"I bought the book Rena" Remus smiled, "Sirius just gave me the money"

Athena looked down at the book in her hands and felt an emotion she couldn't quiet describe.

"Should have known Sirius wasn't all that" the girl laughed.

"Don't knock him, he was desperate to get you a good gift" Remus shrugged, "why are you here so early anyway?"

"Ah" Athena placed the book gently down on the bedside table and looked at Remus through sympathetic eyes, "you don't know"

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now