(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟐𝟔) oxford

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ATHENA DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO CATCH HER BREATH. When her and Sirius arrived in Oxford all she saw were flashing lights. Pulling her wand out she tried to get ahold of her surroundings.

The first person she saw was Kennedy, wand in one hand and baseball bat in the other. She swung the bat with power into the side of a death eaters head and she laughed loudly. Sirius smirked at her before he ran into help. There was loads of them, death eaters. Even after Sirius and Athena had arrived they were outnumbered.

Dorcas and Marlene were fighting back to back with a lot of skill. Athena spotted that many of the order members were taking on two death eaters at once but as far as she could tell, no one had been hurt.

Athena darted forwards next to where Dorcas was standing. The girl looked up for a split second with a small smile. Dorcas was fighting Redolphus and the man Athena recognised as Barty. He had an evil and wicked smile.

"Come for round two?" He sneered in what Athena took to be a Scottish accent.

"You mean when I kicked your ass?" Athena laughed as she sliced her wand through the air like a sword, hearing a whoosh of wind with the ferocity.

Dorcas cackled loudly at Athena's comment but soon there was no time for talking. Spells blasted through the air like firecrackers. Athena kept her concentration tuned, hearing the muttered curses of the death eaters. Focusing on Barty, Athena began to hear the crowded thoughts of the insane death eater in her own mind.

I'm going to kill this bitch

"Let me know how that goes for you!" Athena called. The comment caught Barty off guard evidently he immediately believed that he'd accidentally spoken aloud. His small confusion was the exact opportunity that Athena needed, she sent an expulso charm directly at his chest which sent him flying back with such force that he was flown through the window of a newsagents.

Athena began to realise that they were in a muggle street. She saw the cashier of the newsagents stare out in shock and realising the trouble this could cause if she ran away, Athena had no choice but to stun her. She'd have to wipe her memory later which was cruel but necessary.

Just as Athena was thinking about this, something hit her hard in the side. Athena barrelled into Dorcas and the two girls hit against the cobbled floor. Looking up she saw Lucius Malfoy standing over her, harsh glare directed at her.

"You killed my brother" Athena yelled as she darted up and went to knock her elbow into his nose completely forgetting that she was a witch. Lucius hit her with a freezing charm which worked. Stood staring at him without being able to move she internally screamed in rage and anger.

She could see more fights happening behind. Sirius and Bellatrix were vicious and also ruthless. Kennedy was now duelling using her wand but the death eater (who Athena didn't recognise) was eyeing the bat warily after seeing what it had done to her friend.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now