(scene 27) exams and realisation

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ATHENA HADN'T HAD A CHANCE TO GET SIRIUS on his own over the next couple of weeks. He always seemed to be flanked by James, Peter or Remus. She wanted to know how Sirius knew about the dark mark because she was sure that Kennedy wouldn't make the mistake of telling him.

Kennedy got out of the hospital wing five days after she was attacked however she didn't immediately go back to her usual self. The girl seemed scared and almost jumpy as she walked around, her face was still pale with the faint scars of Snape's curse lingering over.

The scars were barely noticeable unless you looked closely however Kennedy thought that everyone was staring at her because of this as she walked around. The girl dressed in turtlenecks despite it being hot outside just so she could cover the scars on her arm and neck which were a lot more prominent.

The marauders hadn't got into trouble for pranking Snape even after he went to Slughorn and told him that he saw Remus cursing him. Slughorn wanted to take action but he was the only teacher who thought that way. The others claimed that it was too close to exams to be messing around with detention. Needless to say that the marauders were in a very good mood because of this.

May brought not only more sun but also an avalanche of stress. Athena spent the first week of the month in the library basically non stop. She wished that she'd not been so behind on work because now there were large gaps missing in her knowledge.

One exciting thing that was announced towards the beginning of may was a leavers ball for seventh year students. This was the first year they were throwing an event such as this which excited Athena as it meant that there was something keeping her going through exams.

There were substantially less NEWT exams than there had been OWL's however the exams were a lot more difficult and there had been a lot more content to learn. Athena took five subjects meaning that she would have to sit ten exams.

Astronomy didn't worry her at all, not only was her sister practically the teacher of the subject (even though professor Calypso was yet to retire) but she'd always been good at it since first year and she would definitely be surprised if she didn't at least get an E in this.

Charms had been one of her strongest subjects at OWL level but non verbal magic made everything a bit more difficult. Nevertheless it wasn't difficult to stay alert in these lessons as they were often practical.

Transfiguration was a similar predicament. McGonagall made sure that work was being done and was a lot more tyrannical about it than any other teacher. Athena was grateful for this because it meant that she hadn't fallen behind in the few months where she'd lost motivation to do anything.

Defence against the dark arts was the lesson where Athena did slack off. Professor Watson barely taught anything at all, instead sitting back in his desk and ignoring everyone. Athena had barely heard him speak the entire year which gave her ample opportunity to drift off into her own thoughts in his lesson.

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