(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟑) the dark lord

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warning - this chapter is slightly gruesome and describes pain in detail ☽☽☽

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warning - this chapter is slightly gruesome and describes pain in detail

ATHENA'S HEART RACED, HER SKIN GREW COLD. This was it, he was here. Lord Voldemort. The girl had half hoped that the order may come save her before he could get here but she guessed this day was inevitable. It had been why her and Dumbledore had been working on occlumency so often.

"Bring her up" Dacre yelled to Kennedy who rushed forward and dragged Athena to her feet. Her broken knee seared in immediate pain as she cried out.

"Episkey" Kennedy muttered under her breath. Athena's knee clicked into place but it still burned as she was dragged out of the room.

It was hard for her eyes to adjust to the sudden light after having been in the dark for so long. She squinted and her head was screaming in pain, aching as usual. After blinking a few times she saw him, he had his back to her and his hood pulled over his head but she knew it was him.

Then he turned. His face was white as chalk, his eyes red. Athena could tell that he had previously been handsome, he had a sculptured face, slanting cheekbones and dark curls. Now these looks had been taken by evil it seemed.

Beside him slithered a large snake that could probably swallow a man whole. It slipped around him, hissing as it went. Mr and Mrs Vulpes were standing still in the corner not making any noise as they stared at him.

The couple seemed scared of their master, the opposite of Dacre who grinned at him.

"How was your holiday? I here France is lovely this time of year"

Athena couldn't imagine speaking to Voldemort in such a causal tone, she half expected him to lash out but he didn't.

"It was testing" the man hissed, his voice resembled a snake. He stared at Athena and she felt more intimidated than she had done in her life.

"So you're the girl the prophecy speaks of... I expected better"

Dacre laughed loudly, his chuckles filling the dining room that they were stood in. Athena didn't say anything at all. This didn't seem the time for witty comebacks, she was smart enough to know that Voldemort wouldn't take to this lightly.

"Put her there" the man continued. Athena felt her uncle grab her forearm and shove her down into a chair facing the dark lord. Usually in situations such as this, her first response would have been to look to Kennedy however she knew this was a dead end. Kennedy looked more pale and shaken than ever, staring down at the floor.

"Athena Sinistra" the dark Lord began, "I've been interested in you for a long time".

Again Athena didn't speak, she didn't even want to look at him. His face was like something out of a horror film and she knew she wouldn't get his red eyes out of her head in a hurry.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now