( 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 )

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one year later (1982)

Everything was a lie. Things did not get better. Wounds did not heal with time and Athena would never be able to forget Remus no matter how hard she tried. He was like a scar on her that would never leave.

Promises were sour enough but hope was even worse. Hope had torn her apart like a piñata and Athena was left broken on the floor trying to wonder how she could ever imagine that this could be ok.

She was done. Through pretending that everything was fine. If things had only gotten worse after a year she didn't want to know what life had in store for her.

Teaching couldn't distract her and the days she stood on the edge of the astronomy tower, she continued to wonder what would happen if she just... fell.

Athena's mind was her own prison and Remus had the key. He was never coming back and she couldn't comprehend that. How was she supposed to cope, how was she supposed to move on when he'd been with her through everything?

They were supposed to have a future and Athena couldn't help but think that she'd gone and screwed this all up. Or maybe it was him.

Either way, she was sick of pretending, sick of feeling one way and pretending she felt another. Athena would be left victim to herself and she couldn't see another way out of this endless screaming torture which had taken refuge inside of her.

One slip, one tumble. Maybe they'd think it was an accident. Tragic death of the astronomy professor only one year since she lost it all.

Aurora would know the truth, there was no fooling her.

She stared out over the night sky and wondered, wondered if they were watching her. They would tell her not to. However the chance that they might be waiting was one too strong for her to consider another option.

This was it. She could tell that this was where her story was supposed to end. Fate wrote her story long ago, they planned it out and she was just playing the role exactly how they had wanted.

Well this was it, maybe she should take a bow. Was there a round of applause? Had she been the hero in the story or the villain in her own life. Athena supposed she was both.

This was her epilogue.

With one last look to the sky, Athena let her torments pull her off the edge like a hurtling bullet. Falling towards the floor like a puppet whose strings had been cut because fate couldn't control her anymore even if they tried.

It hadn't felt how she expected, the wind had stopped rushing through her ears and there a strange sensation in her heart. Was she dead?

Opening her eyes, she could see the astronomy tower from where she had jumped but she was falling in slow motion, a weird beaming white light around her. Athena's eyes were a milky white and she felt that overtaking power that she hadn't experienced in years.

As she was lowered to the ground, she stared at her hands. Her veins were still glowing, every fibre in her body burning telling her what she had been ignoring for too long.

Footsteps were running and she looked up to see Snape with his black robes flying out behind him.

"I saw you fall!" He yelled, "what the hell were you thinking?"

"Did you stop me?"

"No... this white light came over you... like some celestial being" Snape frowned, "Rena you could have died!"

"Why do you care?" She snapped while thinking to herself how that was the whole point.

"I don't" he retorted, "but you obviously changed your mind"

"I didn't do that" Athena continued, "I... I didn't do it on purpose"

"What are you going on about"

"I can't die" Athena whispered, "and that can only mean one thing"

The war isn't over.

The war isn't over

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Athena Sinistra has learnt to understand broken promises. Her life became a fiction of war rather than love and she let her grief control her. After ten years she's found herself again but knows more than those naive enough to believe that Voldemort is dead.

Athena's story isn't over, fate still has plans for her. However after losing the love of her life she can't escape the internal prison that her minds created. She can't move on even when forced to forget and everything takes a devastating turn when their paths collide yet again.

It seemed that even fate couldn't keep soulmates apart

"Promise you'll come back to me"

Athena revolved her life around Remus, his fears, his love and his pain. Now it's time for her own fears to emerge, her own love and her own pain.


A story of soulmates who were always meant to find each other. Not just a narrative of love but how war impacts everything.

The war isn't over, which means that Athena's story has only just begun

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now