(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟐) tessa halliday

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TESSA REALLY HATED HER BROTHER. Her parents had expected a son and when they'd found out they were having twins they saw this as a weight added to their shoulders. Tessa was the extra, she'd been the one they hadn't wanted and they'd treated her as such.

However Tommy wasn't much better, he'd fed into the attention that his parents had given him and he'd come to realise that he was seen as better than Tessa. That thought went right into his mind and stuck with him throughout his life.

Tessa put up with it. What else could she do? His friends became her friends and she began to feel that she didn't have anything for herself. Her life was shared but never in equal quantities, the scales would always tip towards Tommy no matter what.

When she started Hogwarts, she'd been so intrigued by the idea of quidditch. Tessa could imagine herself sitting on a broom soaring in the air like some kind of superhero. For once, this was one thing she could have on her own, one thing that Tommy wouldn't take from her.

How wrong she was. Tommy got the spare position of chaser on the Ravenclaw quidditch team and for two years Tessa had to sit back and watch him live her dream. Their parents had been so proud, Tommy was their little quidditch star. Tessa knew in the back of her mind that the reaction would not have been the same if it were her who achieved this however she wanted to prove herself.

That's when she decided, she was going to be better than Tommy. Tessa was going to win against him even if it was the last thing that she did. She got the position of chaser in forth year when another one of the players left.

Tessa was good, she didn't have as much time as Tommy to become the best but she really tried. Tessa had to put in 110%, she had to try twice as hard as Tommy did to get the same results and even when she did this wouldn't be appreciated.

It was so frustrating, she just wanted her parents to look at her and share even half the love that they showed towards Tommy. She wanted her brother to realise what she was being put through but he barely saw the issue with it.

Tessa and Tommy did get on. They often bounced off one another with their words as though their mind was linked. In many ways it probably was. However when they weren't around others, their energy would die off and they'd be left wondering whether they were similar at all.

She really wanted to be like Tommy, she wanted people to like her the way they liked him. Tessa wanted a piece of the glory, they called them the Halliday twins but in the end it was always Tommy. It would always be Tommy.

Ravenclaw never won the quidditch cup when Tessa was on the team. They had won in third year when Tessa wasn't there, fourth year had been a Slytherin victory and after that James Potter had led the Gryffindor team to dominate every year.

Tommy wanted to go onto into quidditch but so did Tessa. They'd told their parents this and the reactions were entirely different. Tommy was going to be famous! He was going to bring light to their family because he was so incredible with what he did.

𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐈𝐀 // Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now